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Constitution (Tenth Amendment) Act, 1990

Act No.38 of 1990

An Act made to amend certain provisions of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

Whereas it is expedient to amend certain provisions of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh for the purposes hereinafter appearing;

Therefore the following Act is herewith made:-

1. Short title.- This Act shall be called Constitution (Tenth Amendment) Act, 1990.

2. Amendment of article 65 of the Constitution.- For clause (3) of article 65 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (henceforth referred to as the Constitution) shall be substituted the following clause, namely:-

"(3) Until the dissolution of Parliament occurring next after the expiration of the period of ten years beginning from the date of the first meeting of the Parliament next after the Parliament in existence at the time of commencement of the Constitution (Tenth Amendment) Act, 1990, there shall be reserved thirty seats exclusively for women members, who shall be elected according to law by the members aforesaid:
Provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent a woman from being elected to any of the seats provided for in clause (2)."
3. Amendment of article 123 of the Constitution.- In clause (2) of article 123 of the Constitution, for the words "before one hundred and eighty days of the date", occurring in two places, shall be substituted, in those two places, the words "within one hundred and eighty days before the date".


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