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Agreement between the United Kingdom and Estonia regarding Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, together with Notes exchanged [1926] CATSer 2 (24 June 1926)



His Britannic Majesty's Government and the Estonian Government have agreed as follows:

In view of the fact that the existing laws and regulations of Great Britain in regard to measurement of tonnage of merchant ships are in substantial agreement with those of Estonia, British ships furnished with certificates of registry and other national papers duly issued by the competent British authorities shall be deemed by the Estonian authorities to be of the tonnage denoted in the said documents, and shall be exempted from being remeasured in any port or place within the Estonian territory or in localities under the control of Estonia, on condition that similar terms shall be accorded to Estonian ships equipped with certificates of registry or other national papers duly issued by the competent Estonian authorities on or after the 28th November, 1917, and that such ships shall be exempted from being remeasured in any place within His Britannic Majesty's Dominions or under His Britannic Majesty's protection or control.

Either of the contracting parties may, on giving to the other twelve months' notice to that effect, terminate this agreement either as a whole or separately in respect of any of the following parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions, viz., the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State, Newfoundland and His Majesty's Indian Empire.

In the event of the agreement being terminated in respect of any such part of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions the agreement shall cease to apply to British ships registered therein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have signed the present agreement and have fixed thereto their seals.

DONE in duplicate at London, the 24th day of June, 1926.

Austen Chamberlain

Oskar Kallas

No. 1

Sir Austen Chamberlain to the Estonian Minister


June 24, 1926


With reference to the agreement which is being signed this day on behalf of the British and Estonian Governments in regard to the measurement of tonnage of merchant ships, I desire to place on record the fact that this agreement is made with the consent of His Majesty's self-governing Dominions and India.

2. I have the honour to add that it would be understood that the stipulations of the agreement shall not be applicable to Iraq unless notice shall have been given of the desire of the Iraq Govern­ment that they shall be so applicable.

I have, etc.

Austen Chamberlain

No. 2

The Estonian Minister to Sir Austen Chamberlain


LONDON, June 24, 1926

Your Excellency,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Note of To-day's Date informing me of your desire to place on record the fact that the agreement which is being signed this day on behalf of the Estonian and British Governments in regard to the measurement of tonnage of merchant ships is made with the consent of His Majesty's self-governing Dominions and India.

2. It would be understood that the stipulations of the agreement shall not be applicable to Iraq unless notice shall have been given of the desire of the Iraq Government that they shall be so applicable.

I have, etc.

O. Kallas,

Estonian Minister

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