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Canadian Treaty Series |
E101893 - CTS 1991 No. 35
The Secretary of State for External Affairs of Canada to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark
OTTAWA, October 4, 1991
No. JLO-1134
His Excellency Bjorn Olsen
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark
I have the honour to refer to the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark for Cooperation relating to the Marine Environment done at Copenhagen on August 26, 1983 (hereinafter called the "Agreement"), and to propose that Annex B of the Agreement be amended as set out in the attachment to this Note.
If the foregoing is acceptable to the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, I have the honour to propose that this Note, which is equally authentic in English and French, and your Note in reply shall constitute an amendment of the Agreement which shall enter into force on the date of your reply.
I would like to renew, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Barbara McDougall
Secretary of State for External Affairs
100 Introduction
The objectives of this Plan are:
(a) to develop appropriate preparedness measures and effective systems for discovering and reporting the existence of a pollution incident within the areas covered by the Plan,
(b) to institute necessary measures to restrict the spread and to minimize the hazard posed by harmful substances, and
(c) to provide adequate resources to meet a pollution incident.
101 Scope
This Plan is applicable whenever a pollution incident may affect both Parties or, although only directly affecting one Party, is of such a magnitude as to justify a call on the other Party for assistance.
It is intended to organize the activities of all the responsible authorities in each country, and to provide a command structure and an established method of operation for the forces engaged in dealing with any one incident.
102 Abbreviations
Deputy On-Scene Commander/Coordinator
Joint Support Centre
Joint Support Centre Canada
Joint Support Centre Denmark
Joint Support Team
Joint Support Team Members - Canada
Joint Support Team Members - Denmark
On-Scene Commander/Coordinator
Pollution Reporting System
Pollution Incident Situation Report
103 Definitions
For the purpose of this Plan:
103.1 "Harmful substance" means any substance, including hydrocarbons, the escape or discharge of which is liable to create a hazard to human health, to harm living resources and marine life, to damage amenities or to interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea and adjacent coastal areas.
"Pollution incident" means an event or series of events having the same origin involving the actual or probable escape or discharge of any harmful substance or effluents containing such substance into the sea.
103.2 "Parties" means the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada.
103.3 "POLREP" means the initial message used for exchanging information between responsible authorities when pollution has occurred or when a threat of such is present.
"SITREP" means the operational system of reporting during the incident.
103.4 "Areas of responsibility" means, with respect to Canada, those areas of Nares Strait, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait lying between Canada and Greenland west of the dividing line established by the Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Greenland and Canada, signed at Ottawa on December 17, 1973; with respect to Denmark, those areas of Nares Strait, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait east of the above mentioned dividing line, and areas resulting from any subsequent delimitation as may be agreed between the two Governments.
200 Joint Policy and Responsibility
201 Joint Policy
201.1 The appropriate Danish and Canadian agencies will cooperate to respond expeditiously to a pollution incident that affects or threatens to affect both Parties. Actions taken pursuant to the Plan shall be consistent with the statutory authorities, operational requirements and other obligations of each of these Agencies.
201.2 It is recognized that good communications both between Parties and amongst the agencies of each Party are vital to the successful implementation of this Plan. Any pollution incident that presents a potential threat to the other Party shall be reported promptly to the appropriate agency of that Party in accordance with the provisions of this Plan.
201.3 In a response situation which falls within the scope of this Plan, the designated agencies shall make available any resources they may have which could be used for joint response operations, subject to the exigencies in their national area.
202 Special Arrangements for Funding and Entry
202.1 The costs of a response operation shall be borne by the Party initiating the operation. Initiating in this case means the formal activation of this Plan.
202.2 If however, a Party calls upon the other Party for assistance, the first Party shall bear all direct costs of such operations taken by the other Party upon request.
202.3 The Party requesting assistance may withdraw its request at any time, but in that case it shall bear costs already incurred or committed by the assisting Party.
202.4 The assisting Party shall, upon request, make best efforts to give the other Party a preliminary estimate of the costs for assistance.
202.5 Unless otherwise agreed upon, the cost of requested assistance rendered by the other Party should be calculated according to current legislation and practise in the country of the assisting Party.
Official copies of the costing methodology, policies and procedures in effect at the date of signing will be exchanged.
Each Party will notify the other of any amendments to such methodology, policies and procedures.
Cost reimbursement between the two Parties would be contingent on prior receipt of adequate documentation to support a claim against the polluter.
202.6 Notwithstanding paragraph 202.1, any measure taken by a Party that is necessary and reasonable as an immediate response does not constitute the formal activation of this Plan.
202.7 The costs of a response operation subsequent to a shift of supervision and command from one Party to another shall be borne by the latter Party.
202.8 The provisions of this Paragraph shall be considered on a case by case basis and shall not prejudice the resolution of any dispute involving third parties which may arise respecting liability and compensation for damages resulting from any pollution incident, wherever it may occur.
The Party to whom costs of response operations are reimbursed will assist as appropriate the other Party in exercising a right of recovery against a third Party including the provision of documentation and witnesses.
202.9 When this Plan is activated, special customs and immigration clearance will be granted by each Party for response resources, including personnel and equipment. Procedures for accomplishing this will be developed by relevant regional and local officials.
203 Mechanism for Activating the Plan
203.1 The Plan shall be activated by the responsible authorities of a Party in the event of a pollution incident which originates within the area of responsibility of that Party and which is accompanied by a substantial threat of the spread of a pollutant into the area of responsibility of the other Party, or where such spreading has already occurred.
203.2 The Plan may be activated by a Party in respect of pollution incidents where no spread of pollutants into the area of responsibility of the other Party has occurred or is threatening to occur but where the magnitude of the incident, or other factors, makes a joint response desirable. In such cases the agreement of the authorities of both Parties is required.
300 Planning and Response Elements
301 Joint Support Centre (Either JSCC/JSCD)
Joint Support Centres are designated sites where facilities are available to fulfill the provisions of the Plan. During an incident, the JSC will be established in the designated facilities of the Party providing the OSC and will ordinarily be shifted to the facilities of the other Party if the OSC is shifted to that Party. Alternative sites closer to the scene of the incident may be specified, in lieu of the predesignated sites, at the discretion of the appropriate authority.
302 Joint Support Team Members (JSTC/JSTD)
302.1 The Joint Support Team under designated co-chairs, shall consist of appropriate representatives of specified agencies of Denmark and Canada respectively. Following the activation of the Plan as per 203.1 the JST will be activated by agreement in the event of a pollution incident occurring within the areas encompassed by this Plan, and will function as advisory team to the appointed OSC.
302.2 The Parties will exchange information to be updated on 1 March and 1 September each year, which will include data on names, positions, home and business telephone numbers, office addresses and when applicable, telex, fax and TWX numbers of all JST Chairmen and OSCs.
302.3 The general functions of a JST include planning, preparedness and monitoring response and are outlined below:
a) Provide advice and assistance to the OSC during pollution incidents. (The JST does not have operational control over the OSC).
b) Develop procedures to promote a coordinated response by all agencies to pollution incidents. These should include, among others, legal, financial, customs, immigration and other administrative procedures necessary.
c) Review post-incident reports from the OSC on the handling of pollution incidents for the purpose of analyzing response actions and recommending needed improvements in the contingency plans.
d) Forward to the respective federal, state, provincial and territorial Government authorities relevant reports and recommendations including OSC post-incident reports, JST debriefing reports and recommendations concerning amendments to the Plan or the Annexes.
302.4 Some measure of response functions will be performed each time the Plan is activated. The degree of response will be subject to the demands of each particular situation. The specific advisory and support functions of the JST will include:
a) Monitoring incoming reports, evaluating the possible impact of reported pollution incidents and being at all times fully aware of the actions and plans of the OSC.
b) Coordinating the actions of the various agencies in supplying the necessary resources and assistance to the OSC.
c) Recruiting other agencies and industrial or scientific groups to play their appropriate parts in support actions.
d) Determining when a shift of OSC from one Party or the other is indicated by the circumstances of the spill.
e) Coordinating all reporting on the status of the pollution incident to the respective national authorities.
f) Ensuring that the OSC has adequate public information support.
302.5 The national co-Chairmen of the JSTs shall make provision for periodic meetings to discuss mutual problems, and, as appropriate, to conduct exercises relating to the Plan.
303 On-Scene Commander/Coordinator (OSC)
303.1 The coordination and direction of the joint pollution control efforts at the scene of a pollution incident shall be achieved through an official appointed as the OSC.
The OSC is an agent designated by the Commissioner, Canadian Coast Guard or the National Agency of Environmental Protection for areas in which a pollution incident may occur.
His responsibility will continue until a shift in OSCs between the Parties is agreed upon, or until a shift in OSCs within the jurisdiction of one Party is directed by the Chairman of the JST or another national authority of the Party.
The OSC is supported by experts on whom he relies for advice in their various areas of expertise.
303.2 In the event of a pollution incident, the first official from an agency with responsibility under this Plan arriving at the site shall assume coordination of activities under the Plan until the designated OSC becomes available to take charge of the operation.
303.3 The OSC shall determine the pertinent facts about a particular pollution incident, including the nature, amount, and the location of material spilled, probable direction and time of travel of the material, resources available and needed, and the areas which may be affected. The OSC shall provide the priorities for protection.
303.4 The OSC shall initiate and direct, as required, Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV operations as mentioned in paragraph 400.
303.5 The OSC shall obtain proper authorization, in accordance with appropriate national, provincial, territorial and local laws, to call upon and direct the deployment of available resources to initiate and continue containment, countermeasures, cleanup, and disposal functions.
303.6 In carrying out this plan the OSC is to maintain an up-to-date and accurate information flow to the JST to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the joint effort in protecting the national resources and environment from pollution damage. The necessary direct liaison between personnel at all levels in the agencies of both Parties is essential to both satisfactory planning and operations.
304 Deputy On-scene Commander/Coordinator (DOSC)
The DOSC shall be designated by the Party which is not providing the OSC. He shall act as the OSC's direct liaison with the agencies of the Party, which he, the DOSC, represents. He shall assist the OSC and shall control his own party's response resources to comply with the planned tactics of the OSC.
400 Response Operations
The actions which are taken to respond to a pollution incident separate into five relatively distinct phases. However, elements of a phase or an entire phase may take place concurrently with one or more other phases.
Phase I
Discovery and Alerting
Phase II
Evaluation and Plan Activation
Phase III
Containment and Countermeasures
Phase IV
Clean-up and Disposal
Phase V
Plan Deactivation
500 Reports and Communication
501 Reporting Points, Reporting System
501.1 Any potential pollution threat to the other Party, shall be reported to that Party without delay. The reporting points are:
For Denmark:
For Canada:
(Island Commander Greenland)
501.2 When responsible authorities are reporting a pollution incident or any pollution threat to the other Party, the Pollution Reporting System (POLREP) should be used. The description of POLREP is attached as Appendix 1. Responsible authorities are:
For Denmark:
For Canada:
National Agency of Environmental Protection
Canadian Coast Guard
501.3 Any other reporting and communication should be carried out according to national requirements (SITREP). A description of SITREP is attached as Appendix 2.
502 Deactivation
A recommendation to deactivate the joint response to a particular incident shall be made by agreement of the OSC and DOSC. The JST Chairman from the Party which originally activated the joint response shall deactivate it by message after consultation with the co-Chairman from the other Party.
This message must clearly establish the date and time, in UTC, of the cessation of the joint response.
The requirements to consult in no way diminish the activating Chairman's prerogative to decide upon deactivation.
503 Post-incident Reports
The JST may request its OSC and DOSC involved to submit reports and to prepare operational debriefings for the JST, on the incident, the action taken and any observation or recommendation which needs to be made.
600 Public Information
When a pollution incident occurs, the public must be provided with timely and accurate information on the nature of the incident and the steps which are being taken to cope with the problem. This policy is followed to obtain understanding from the public, to ensure cooperation from all interested parties and to reduce the possibility of the spread of concern or alarm through misinformation.
700 Administration
701 Custodians
The custodians for this Plan and any amendments thereto are:
For Denmark:
The Director General
National Agency of Environmental ProtectionFor Canada:
The Commissioner
Canadian Coast Guard.
702 Amendments
702.1 Amendments to the Plan may be made by mutual agreement of the custodians.
Pollution Reporting System
1. The pollution reporting system is for use between the authorities in Canada and Denmark to exchange information when pollution of the sea has occurred or when a threat of such is present.
2. The POLREP is divided in three parts:
(a) Part I or POLWARN | POLlution WARNing gives first information or warning of the pollution or the threat. |
(b) Part II or POLINF | POLlution INFormation gives a detailed supplementary report as well as situation reports. |
(c) Part III or POLFAC | POLlution FACilities deals with request for counter pollution facilities or resources as well as matters of operational character. |
3. The division into three parts is for identification purposes only. For this reason consecutive figures are not used. This enables the recipient to recognize merely by looking at the figures whether he is dealing with Part I (1-5), Part II (40-60) or Part III (80-99). This method of division shall in no way exclude the use of all figures in a full report or the separate use of single figures from each part or the use of single figures from different parts mixed in one report.
4. When Part I is used as a warning it shall always be transmitted with the traffic priority urgent.
5. Part II is the logical consequence of Part I. Having transmitted Part I, the Party concerned can inform the other Contracting Party of its assessment of the nature and extent of the incident by using the appropriate figures from Part II.
6. Part III is for the request of assistance and related matters exclusively.
7. Detailed explanations of the different figures in Parts I, II and III of the POLREP are given in Attachments 1, 2 and 3.
8. Three examples of a POLREP in this system are given in Attachment 3.
9. It must be possible to identify each POLREP and the person who receives it must be able to check if he has received all the reports concerning the particular pollution or threat in question.
10. The POLREP is to be identified by a serial number, e.g. "DA 2/3", which means that it is a POLREP from the responsible Danish authorities. The report concerns the second pollution and it is the third report concerning this pollution.
11. The last and final POLREP will show as follows: "DA 2/5 Final", which means that this is the fifth and final report concerning the second pollution.
12. Concerning the figures 5, 60 and 99, it is emphasized that acknowledge is made by the competent national authority with reference to the serial number in question.
13. When answering POLREP the serial number used by the transmitting Party is to be used as reference in the answer.
14. If the POLREP is used in exercises the text is to be introduced with the word exercise and finished with this word three times. Each of the following reports which deals with the exercise is to be introduced and finished with the word exercise as well.
Appendix 1
Attachment 1
Address: Date Time Group Identification Serial Number |
from: | to: | |
1. | Date and time | ||
2. | Position | ||
3. | Incident | ||
4. | Outflow | ||
5. | Acknowledge | ||
40. | Date and time | ||
41. | Position | ||
42. | Characteristics of pollution | ||
43. | Source and cause of pollution | ||
44. | Wind direction and speed | ||
45. | Current or tide | ||
46. | Sea state and visibility | ||
47. | Drift of pollution | ||
48. | Forecast | ||
49. | Identity of observer and ships on scene | ||
50. | Action taken | ||
51. | Photographs or samples | ||
52. | Names of other states informed | ||
53. | Ice Conditions | ||
54.-59. | Spare | ||
60. | Acknowledge | ||
80. | Date and time | ||
81. | Request for assistance | ||
82. | Cost | ||
83. | Pre-arrangements for the delivery | ||
84. | Assistance to where and how | ||
85. | Other states requested | ||
86. | Change of command | ||
87. | Exchange of information | ||
88. | Activation of CANDEN at | ||
89. | Chairman and co-Chairman of JST | ||
90. | Establishment of HQ | ||
91. | Deactivation of CANDEN at | ||
92.- 98. | Spare | ||
99. | Acknowledge |
Appendix 1
Attachment 2
DTG/Date Time Group | Date and time for drafting of the telex (DTG). Always 6 figures. Can be followed by month indication. The DTG can be used as reference | ||
POLREP CANDEN | This is the identification of the report, "POL..." indicates that the report might deal with all aspects of pollution (such as oil as well as other harmful substances). | ||
"...REP" indicates that this is a report on a pollution incident. It can contain up to three main parts : | |||
is an initial notice (a first information or a warning) of a
casualty or the presence of oil slicks or harmful substances. |
PART II (POLINF) | is a detailed supplementary report to Part I. This part of the report is numbered from 40 to 60. |
is for request for assistance from the other Party as well as for operational matters in the assistance situation. |
This part of the report is numbered from 80 to 99. | |||
"CANDEN" is for identifying the Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan. | |||
PART I, II AND III can be transmitted all together in one report or separately. Furthermore, single figures from each part can be transmitted separately or combined with figures from the two other parts. Figures without additional text shall not appear in the POLREP. | |||
When Part I is used as a warning of a serious threat, the telex should be headed with the traffic priority word "URGENT". | |||
ALL POLREPs containing ACKNOWLEDGE (figures 5, 60 or 99) should be acknowledged as soon as possible by the competent national authority. | |||
POLREPs shall always be terminated by a telex from the reporting state which indicates that no more operational communication on that particular incident can be expected (figure 91). | |||
1/1 | Each report should be identified and the receiving agency should be in a position to check whether all reports of the incident in question have been received. This is done by using a national identification (CANDEN) followed by a stroke system where the figure before the stroke indicates the incident to the report refers, and the figures following the stroke indicates the actual number of reports which have been originated on the incident in question. | ||
POLREP CANDEN DA 1/1 thus indicates the first report from Denmark of the incident in question in the Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan region. | |||
POLYREP CANDEN DA 1/2 will, in accordance with the described system, then indicate the second report from the same incident. | |||
If the pollution caused by the incident splits up into clearly defined patches - in this case two - the wording POLREP CANDEN 1 is now splitting into POLREP CANDEN 2 and POLREP CANDEN 3 and should be indicated in the last report on the incident identified by figure 1 preceeding the stroke. | |||
The first reports on the two patches originating from the incident first reported will then be numbered POLREP CANDEN DA 2/1 and POLREP CANDEN DA 3/1 and consecutive numbers after the stroke could then be used. | |||
1. | DATE AND TIME | The day of the month as well as the time of day when the incident took place or if the cause of the pollution is not known, the time of the observation should be stated with 6 figures. Time should be stated at UTC, e.g. 091900z (i.e. the 9th of the relevant month at 1900 UTC). If so wanted, local time (UTC - 4, e.g. 091900v - the 9th of the relevant month at 1900 local time). | |
2. | POSITION | Indicates the main position of the incident in latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes and may in addition give the bearing of and the distance from a location known by the receiver. | |
3. | INCIDENT | The nature of the incident should be stated here such as BLOWOUT, TANKER GROUNDING, TANKER COLLISION, OIL SLICK etc. | |
4. | OUTFLOW | The nature of the pollution such as CRUDE OIL, CHLORINE, DINITROL, PHENOL etc. as well as the total quantity in tonnes of the outflow and /or the flow rate as well as risk for further outflow. If there is no pollution, but a pollution threat, the words NOT YET followed by substance, e.g. NOT YET FUEL OIL, should be stated. | |
5. | ACKNOWLEDGE | When this figure is used the telex should be acknowledged as soon as possible by the competent national authority. | |
40. | DATE AND TIME | Number 40 relates to the situation described in figures 41 to 60, if it varies from figure 1. | |
Indicates the main position of the pollution in latitude and longitude in degrees and minutes and may in addition give the distance and bearing of some prominent landmark known to the receiver, if other than indicted in figure 2. Estimated amount of pollution (e.g. size of polluted area(s), number of tonnes of spilled oil, if other than indicated in figure 4 - or number of containers, drums etc. lost). Indicates length and width of slick given in nautical miles and in tenths of nautical miles, if not indicated in figure 2. |
Gives type of pollution, e.g. type of oil with viscosity and pour point, packaged or bulk chemicals, sewage. For chemicals give proper name or United Nation's number, if known. For each, give also appearance, e.g. liquid, floating solid, liquid oil, semi-liquid sludge, tarry lumps, weathered oil, discolouration of the sea, visible vapour. Any markings on drums, containers etc. should be given. |
E.g. from vessel or other undertaking. If from vessel, say whether as a result of a deliberate discharge or casualty. If the latter give brief description. Where possible, give name, type, size, call sign, nationality and port of registration of polluting vessel. If vessel is proceeding on its way, give course, speed and destination. |
44. | WIND DIRECTION AND SPEED | Indicates wind direction and speed in degrees and m/sec. The direction always indicates from where the wind is blowing. | |
45. | CURRENT DIRECTION AND SPEED AND/OR TIDE | Indicates current direction and speed in degrees and knots and tenths of knots. The direction always indicates the direction in which the current is moving. | |
46. | SEA STATE AND VISIBILITY | Sea state indicated as wave height in metres. Visibility in nautical miles. | |
47. | DRIFT OF POLLUTION | Indicates drift course and speed of pollution in degrees, knots and tenths of knots. In case of air pollution (gas cloud) drift speed is indicated in m/sec. | |
48. | FORECAST OF LIKELY EFFECT OF POLLUTION AND ZONES AFFECTED | E.g. arrival on beach with estimated timing. Results of mathematical methods. | |
49. | IDENTITY OF OBSERVER/REPORTER | Indicates who has reported the incident. If a ship, name, homeport, flag and call sign must be given. | |
IDENTITY OF SHIPS ON SCENE | Ships on scene can also be indicated under this item by name, home port, flag and call sign, especially if the polluter cannot be identified and the spill is considered to be of recent origin. | ||
50. | ACTIONS TAKEN | Any action for the disposal of the pollution. | |
51. | PHOTOGRAPHS OR SAMPLES | Indicates if photographs or samples from the pollution have been taken. Telex number of the sampling authority should be given. | |
53. | ICE CONDITIONS | Ice conditions indicated as type of ice, concentration in tenths, and any specific behaviour of the pollution in the ice. | |
54.-59. |
SPARE FOR ANY OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION. (E.g. results of sample or photographic analysis, results of inspections of surveyors, statements of ship's personnel etc.) |
60. | ACKNOWLEDGE | When this figure is used, the telex should be acknowledged as soon as possible by the competent national authority. | |
80. | DATE AND TIME | Number 80 is related to the situation described below, if it varies from figures 1 and/or 40. | |
Type and amount of assistance required in form of: |
82. | COST | Requirements for cost information to requesting country of delivered assistance. | |
83. | PRE-ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE DELIVERY OF ASSISTANCE | Information concerning customs clearance, access to territorial water etc. in the requesting country. | |
84. | TO WHERE ASSISTANCE SHOULD BE RENDERED AND HOW | Information concerning the delivery of assistance, e.g. rendez-vous at sea with information of frequencies to be used, call sign and name of On-Scene-Commander of the requesting country, or land-based authorities with telephone number, telex number and contact person. | |
85. | NAMES OF OTHER STATES AND ORGANIZATIONS | Only to be filled in if not covered by figure 81, e.g. if further assistance is later needed by other states. | |
86. | CHANGE OF COMMAND | When a substantial part of an oil pollution or serious threat of an oil pollution moves or has moved or has moved into the zone of the other Party, the country which has exercised the command of the operation may request the other country to take over the command. | |
87. | EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION | When a mutual agreement has been reached between the two Parties on a change of command, the country transferring the command should give a report on all relevant information pertaining to the operation to the country taking over the command. | |
88. | ACTIVATION OF CANDEN PLAN AT | The use of this figure indicates that the joint operation to follow will be based on the principles laid down in the Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan from DTG stated. | |
89. | CHAIRMAN OR CO-CHAIRMAN OF JOINT SUPPORT TEAM | Name of Chairman or co-Chairman of the Joint Support Team. | |
90 | ESTABLISHMENT OF OPERATIONAL HQ AT | The operational HQ for the joint operation has been established from DTG at location with the following communication facilities (telephone, telefax and telex numbers). | |
91. | DEACTIVATION OF CANDEN PLAN AT | The use of this figure indicates from what time (DTG) the joint operation will come to a formal end. The DTG stated is agreed to after prior consultation between OSC and JST. | |
99. | ACKNOWLEDGE | When this figure is used, the telex should be acknowledged as soon as possible by the competent national authority. |
Appendix 1
Attachment 3
Example No. 1
From: ________________ Denmark: 27 125 mfg dk
To: __________________ Canada: telex number
INCIDENT ____________________
OUTFLOW ____________________
DATE AND TIME ________________
Example No. 2
(full report - Parts I, II and III)
Address | From: | Greenland Department, Denmark telex No.: 27 125 mfg dk |
To: | Canadian Coast Guard HQ, Ottawa telex No.______________ |
Date Time Group Identification Serial
181100v JUNE
1. | Date and Time | 1. | 181000v |
2. | Position | 2. | 60° 10' N - 48° 30' W |
3. | Incident | 3. | Tanker in collision with ice |
4. | Outflow | 4. | Medium fuel oil, estim. 300 tonnes |
41. | Position and/or extent of pollution on/above/in the sea | 41. | The oil is forming a slick 1.5 nautical miles to the Northwest. Width up to 0.3 nautical miles. |
42. | Characteristics of pollution | 42. | Fuel oil medium. Viscosity 2100 Cst. at 15° C. Rather viscous. |
43. | Source and cause of pollution | 43. | Danish tanker VITTA THERESA of Herning, 1, 240 GRT, call sign zzzz, in collision with heavy ice. Two tanks damaged. |
44. | Wind direction and speed | 44. | 045 - 5 m/sec. |
45. | Current direction and speed and/or tide | 45. | 310 - 1.0 knots |
46. | Sea state and visibility | 46. | Wave height 0.5 m - 10 nautical miles |
47. | Drift of pollution | 47. | 031 - 1.0 knots |
48. | Forecast of likely effect of pollution and zones affected | 48. | Could reach the islands and the coast line north of Frederikshab. |
49. | Identity of observer/reporter | 49. | VITTA THERESA? figure 43 refers |
50. | Action taken | 50. | Continuous air surveillance established. Mechanical recovery may be necessary |
51. | Photographs or samples | 51. | Oil samples have been taken |
52. | Names of other states and organizations informed | 52. | NIL |
53. | Ice conditions | 53. | Polar ice. Concentration 5/10 |
81. | Request for assistance | 81. | Your assistance with high mechanical pick-up capacity may be necessary. Please indicate what type and quantity of ships, boom, skimmers etc. you can make available in the area within a 24 hours notice. The equipment must be followed by skilled operational personnel. |
82. | Cost | 82. | You are requested for an approximate cost rate per day of assistance offered. |
83. | Pre-arrangements for the delivery of assistance | 83. | Your units are allowed to enter and operate in Greenland waters for combating purposes and Greenland ports for logistics informing OSC beforehand. Airport facilities will be available in __________________ |
84. | To where assistance should be rendered and how. | 84 | Rendez-vous position will be communicated later. Greenland/Danish OSC Island Commander Greenland, naval base, Groennedal. |
88. | Activation of CANDEN Plan at | 88. | CANDEN Plan may be activated later, depending on situation. |
89. | Chairman of JST | 89. | Name of Chairman will be given later. No. 88 refers. |
90. | Operational HQ | 90. | Operational HQ will be established on Naval Base Groennedal. |
91. | Deactivation of CANDEN Plan at | 91. | CANDEN Plan will be deactivated at 080900z. |
99. | Acknowledge | 99. | Acknowledge |
Example No. 3
(abbreviated report - single figures from Part III)
Address | From: | Canadian Coast Guard HQ, Ottawa telex No.: |
To: | Greenland Department, Denmark telex No.: 27 125 mfg dk |
Date Time Group Identification Serial Number |
182230v JUNE POLREP CANDEN Your DA 1/2 refers |
80. | Date and time | 80. | 182020v |
81. | Request for assistance | 81. | The following equipment will be available on 24 hours notice
for deliver by air in _____________________ : a) ___________________ b) ___________________ c) ___________________ |
The following ships with oil combating equipment as indicated
can be on spill site 40 hours after notice: Ship a) _______________ Ship b) _______________ |
82. | Cost | 82. | Cost per day will be as follows:_______________ |
84. | To where assistance should be rendered and how | 84. | If so wished the __________ _______________ with assisting staff can be in _____ within 12 hours from time of request. |
99. | Acknowledge | 99. | Acknowledge. |
For messages during the response to the spill, however, there is general agreement that the simpler, more flexible, format of a 'SITREP' system be used for communication between the OSC and JST.
DTG | |||
FM | (sender) | ||
TO | (action addressee) | ||
INFO | (information addressee) | ||
BT | |||
TOXINCANDEN SITREP | (report number) | ||
POLLUTION INCIDENT | (identify the case) | ||
1. SITUATION: | |||
2. ACTION TAKEN: | |||
4. CASE STATUS: (pends/closed) |
SITUATION: The situation selection should provide the full details on the pollution incident including what happened, type and quantity of material involved, success of control efforts, prognosis and any other pertinent data.
ACTION TAKEN: The action section should include a summary of all action taken so far by the responsible Party, local forces, government agencies and others.
FUTURE PLANS: The plans section should include all future action planned.
FURTHER ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: Any additional assistance required for the JST by the OSC pertaining to the response shall be included in this section.
CASE STATUS: The status section should indicate "case closed", "case pending", or "participation terminated", as appropriate.
TOXICANDEN SITREPS should be made at 1200 UTC each day and as frequently as necessary to ensure that those who need to know have a full and timely appreciation of the incident and of actions taken and progress made during the response.
The initial contact point for TOXICANDEN messages and for POLREP CANDEN message is Canadian Coast Guard Operations Centre - Ottawa - (613) 990-5600. Telex 953-3128. Rapidcom FAX 995-4700 ADIS CYHQYV. It can also be reached through any Coast Guard Radio Station.
The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark in Canada to the Secretary of State for External Affairs of Canada
OTTAWA, October 7, 1991
File No. 82. D. 1.
No. 44.
The Honourable Barbara McDougall,
Secretary of State for External Affairs,
I have the honour to refer to your Note No. JLO-1134 of October 4, 1991, in which you propose that Annex 8 of the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark for Cooperation relating to the Marine Environment done at Copenhagen on August 26, 1983, be amended as set out in the attachment to your Note.
I am pleased to inform you that the proposal contained in your Note is acceptable to the Government of Denmark and that your Note and this reply constitute an arrangement between our two governments on this matter effective the date of this Note.
I would like to renew, Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Bjorn Olsen
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