In accordance with the provisions of sub-paras (2) and (3) of the notes exchanged between His Excellency Chang Han-Fu, Vice-Minister
of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China and His Excellency Nedyarn Raghavan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Republic of India accredited to China, on the occasion of the signing at Peking on 29 April 1954 of the agreement between
the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India on trade and intercourse between the Tibet region of China and India, and
the negotiations held subsequently between the Foreign Ministry of China and the Indian Embassy in China on the concrete measures
to be taken for the handing over to the Government of China, by the Government of India, of the postal, telegraph and public telephone
services with their equipment, operated by the Government of India in the Tibet region of China without compensation as a gesture
of friendship and the twelve rest houses with their equipment of the Government of India in the Tibet region of China at a mutually
agreed price. Mr. Yang Kungsu, Foreign Affairs Assistant to the Representative of the Government of the People's Republic of China
in Tibet, had appointed Mr. Yin Fa-Tang and Mr. P.N. Menon, Consul-General of India, Lhasa, had appointed Mr. S.L. Chhibber to jointly
proceed with the work of counting the above mentioned postal, telegraph and public telephone services with their equipment and the
rest houses with their equipment and also to appraise the value of the equipment of the rest houses. During the period from 10 December
1954 to 3 March 1955, the officials on both sides completed the counting and appraisal work and on 3 March 1955, signed at Gyantse
the general lists showing the details on the above mentioned and counted postal, telegraph and public telephone services with their
equipment, and the rest houses with equipment, as well as the negotiated price of the equipment of these rest houses. The general
lists are attached to this Protocol and form an integral part of it.1 The People's Republic of China and the Republic of India agree
that, from the date of the signing of this Protocol by the representatives of both sides, the entire postal, telegraph and public
telephone services with their equipment and the rest houses with their equipment formerly operated by the Government of India in
the Tibetan region of China are handed over by the Government of India to the Government of China, and become the possessions of
the Government of China. The People's Republic of China have appointed Mr. Yang Kungsu, Foreign Affairs Assistant to the Representative
of the Government of the People's Republic of China in Tibet, and the Republic of India have appointed Mr. P.N. Menon, Consul-General
of India, Lhasa, to sign this Protocol on behalf of their respective Governments, thus concluding both the handing over and taking
over work.
DONE in duplicate, in Lhasa, on the 1st day of April 1955, in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally valid.