The Republic of Egypt and the Union of India, being desirous of strengthening and perpetuating the bonds of brotherhood and friendship,
and widening the scope of co-operation existing between their countries, and of promoting the mutual interests of their respective
people, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Friendship, and have, for that purpose, appointed as their plenipotentiaries
The Council of Ministers
Dr. Mahmoud Fawzi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, representing the Republic of Egypt.
The President of the Union of India
Ambassador Nawab Ali Yavar Jung Bahadur representing the Union of India,
who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them in good and due form, have agreed as follows:
Article 1
There shall be perpetual peace, friendship and brotherly relations between Egypt and India and between their respective peoples. The
High Contracting Parties shall at all times strive to maintain and strengthen such peace, friendship -and brotherly relations between
the people of their respective countries.
Article 2
The High Contracting Parties agree to maintain diplomatic and consular relations in conformity with international law and practice,
and agree that the diplomatic and consular representatives of either party in the territory of the other shall enjoy, on a reciprocal
basis, such privileges and immunities as are accorded to such representatives in accordance with recognised principles of international
law and practice.
Article 3
The High Contracting Parties agree to conduct their commercial and industrial relations as well as those pertaining to Customs, Navigation,
Civil Aviation, Cultural Affairs, Extradition and other matters of interest to both countries, in accordance with such special agreements
as may be already in operation or may hereafter be concluded between them.
Article 4
The High Contracting Parties agree and affirm that all disputes between them shall be settled peacefully in a spirit of brotherliness
through diplomatic channels, failing which they agree to seek solution of such disputes by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation,
arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means of their own choice.
Article 5
The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties, within the territory of the other, shall be permitted to enjoy, on a reciprocal
basis, the right to acquire, possess and dispose of movable and immovable property, the appropriation of which is available to non-nationals,
and to travel, to reside, and to engage in trade, industry or other peaceful and lawful pursuits, in conformity with the constitution,
laws, and regulations promulgated or which may hereafter be promulgated by the other. The nationals of each of the High Contracting
Parties shall enjoy the same treatment in the territory of the other as is accorded to its own nationals with respect to their persons
and property, and in regard to all judicial, administrative and other legal proceedings. Article 6 The High Contracting Parties agree
to strengthen and develop cultural ties between their respective countries and assist each other as far as possible in industrial
and agricultural progress.
This treaty shall be subject to ratification by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
Egypt. Friendship 6 Apr. 1955
It shall enter into force upon the exchange of ratifications, which shall take place, as soon as possible, at New Delhi.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty of which there shall be Hindi, Arabic and English versions,
all three texts being equally authentic, except in the case of doubt when the English text shall prevail.
DONE in duplicate at Cairo this 6th day of April 1955.
On behalf of the Union of India:
(Signed) ALI YAVAR JUNG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
On behalf of the Republic of Egypt:
(Signed) M. FAWZI Minister of Foreign Affairs.