In pursuance of the provisions of the Sino-Indian Agreement on the Tibetan region of China of 29 April 1954, it is proposed to establish
a system of trans-border travel on certificates issued by the Ministry of External Affairs. The object of imposing this system of
travel with certificate instead of passport is to maintain the customary pattern of trade between India and the Tibet region of China.
In the case of pilgrims and customary trans-border traffic and petty trade, however, no certificates will be required.
Details of the new arrangements are:
(a) Traders from India known to be customarily and specifically engaged in trade between the Tibet region of China and India, their
wives and children who are dependent on them for livelihood and their attendants will be allowed entry for purposes of trade into
the Tibet region of China, in accordance with custom, on the production of certificates. Porters and mule team drivers from India,
who cross the border to perform necessary transportation services, shall also be required to have certificates. The Ministry of External
Affairs are making arrangements to issue these certificates in places which are easily accessible. Full details of the issuing authorities
will be published by the State Governments shortly. All check-posts along the border which lie on the routes used for customary border
trade will issue certificates. Arrangements have also been made to station photographers at these check-posts so that photographs
can be taken on-the-spot and supplied to individuals free of cost for affixing on the certificate.
(b) Traders, who hold the certificates, can visit the following trade marts in Tibet:
Yatung, Gyantse, Phari, Gartok, Taklakot, Gyanima- Ebargo, Gyanima-Chakra, Ramura, Dongbra, Poling, Nabra, Sangtse and Tashigong.
(c) Pilgrims from India of Lamaist, Hindu and Buddhist faiths may visit Kailas and Manasarovar in the Tibet region of China in accordance
with custom. Pilgrims customarily visiting Lhasa may continue to do so in accordance with custom. The pilgrims need not carry documents
of certification but shall register at the border check-post, in the Tibet region of China and receive a permit for pilgrimage.
(d) Traders and pilgrims are required to travel by the following passes and route :
(1) Shipki La Pass
(2) Mana Pass
(3) Niti Pass
(4) Kungri Bingri Pass.