AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE CULTURAL CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF POLAND AND THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA New Delhi, 27 March 1957 The Council of State of the People's Republic of Poland and The President of the Republic of India Desirous of strengthening the bonds
of friendship between the two nations, promoting cultural relations between Poland and India and developing mutual co-operation in
scientific, educational and cultural fields, Have decided to conclude an Agreement on cultural co-operation and to this end have
appointed as their plenipotentiaries the following persons, namely; The Council of State of the People's Republic of Poland Mr. J. Cyrankiewicz, Prime Minister of the Polish People's Republic The President of India: Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India who having exchanged each other's credentials and found them good and in due form have agreed as follows: Article I The Two High Contracting Parties shall promote (a) exchange of representatives of science, culture and arts of the two countries, (b) receiving of employees from the other party or other delegated persons recommended by the other party for the purpose of their
training in scientific, technical and industrial institutions of either country, (c) grant of scholarships to enable students to pursue their studies in the country of the other party in scientific and technical
fields and other specialities, (d) co-operation between scientific and research institutes and artistic and literary associations, (e) co-operation between associations of journalists, press agencies and editor's offices, (f) organisation of scientific and artistic exhibitions, theatrical performances and film shows, music concerts and broadcasts on
the Radio. To this end detailed arrangements will be made in each case. (g) grant of prizes for writers and translators who will popularise in their countries the scientific and artistic achievements of
the other party, and (h) distribution of books and periodicals of the other Party. Article II The Two High Contracting Parties shall consider the question of establishing cultural institutes in their countries according to the
laws prevailing in each country. Article III The two Parties shall promote so far as possible exchange between the two countries in the field of sport. Article IV The two Parties shall endeavour to ensure that text books and official informative publications do not contain untrue information
about each other's country. Article V The two Parties shall offer their good offices to facilitate the mutual recognition by universities and other educational authorities
in the two countries of the degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by them. Article VI To achieve the purposes defined in the above Articles an Indo- Polish Commission may, if necessary, be set up. This Commission shall
be composed of two Sub-Commissions : one with residence in Warsaw and the second with residence in New Delhi. Each Sub-Commission
will be composed of persons designated by the Government of the country in which the Sub-Commission holds its sessions and of representatives
of the Embassy of the other party. The task of the Sub-Commissions will be: (a) to watch the working of the Agreement, (b) to inform the two Parties about the detailed manner of working of the agreement, and (c) to submit to the Parties motions as to the manner in which the working of the Agreement could be improved upon. At intervals of
not less than once in two years the Commission will hold joint consultations successively in New Delhi and in Warsaw in order to
determine the measures to be taken for a proper fulfilment of the Agreement. Article VII The present Agreement shall be ratified
with the least possible delay. The present Agreement will come into force immediately after the exchange of the instruments of ratification
which will take place in Warsaw. Article VIII The present Agreement is concluded for a period of five years from the date of its coming into force. The Agreement can be terminated
by either party giving minimum of six months notice before the expiry of this period. The Agreement shall remain in force until either
Party terminates it by giving six months notice. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the said plenipotentiaries have signed the present Agreement
in duplicate in Polish, Hindi and English languages, the texts being equally authentic except in the case of doubt when the English
text shall prevail. SIGNED at New Delhi this Twenty-Seventh day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven. For the President of the People's Republic of Poland (Sd.) J. CYRANIGEWICZ Prime Minister of the Polish People's Republic For Republic of India (Sd.) JAWAHARLAL NEHRU Prime Minister of India. |