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New Delhi, 27 December 1965

The Postal Administration of Canada being desirous of esta-blishing a direct money order service with India, the undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose,

HAVE agreed upon the following articles :

Article 1
Money Order Service

There shall be a regular money order service from Canada to India by means of air mail on a weekly basis or more frequently if circumstances warrant it.

Article 2
Exchange Offices

The money order service shall be conducted through the medium of exchange offices.
The exchange office of India shall be at Bombay and the exchange office of Canada shall be at Ottawa.

Article 3
Maximum Amount of a Money Order

The maximum amount for which a single money order may be issued in Canada for payment in India shall not exceed $100.00 in Canadian currency.

Article 4

All payments whether to or by the public shall be made in the legal currency of the respective countries.

Article 5
Conversion of Amounts

The amounts of money orders issued in Canada for payment in India shall be expressed in Canadian-dollars.

The Postal Administration of India shall have the power to fix rates for the conversion of money-orders received for payment in its country into its own currency. The rate adopted for the payment of money orders under this article shall be communicated to the Postal Administration of Canada and notification of any change in this rate shall be released without delay.

Article 6

The Postal Administration of Canada shall fix from time to time the rate of fees to be charged on money orders issued within its jurisdiction.
The fees shall belong to the country of issue but the Postal Administration of Canada shall pay to the Postal Administration of India a commission of one half of one per cent (1/2 of 1%) computed on the total value of the lists of money orders transmitted.

Article 7
Particulars of Money Orders

The remitter of the money order shall be required to furnish the full surname and the first name or the initials of the first name of both the remitter and the payee or the name of the firm or company who are the remitters or payee.

The remitter shall also be required to ‘furnish the street address of the remitter and of the payee together with the name of the post office and the province or state in which it is situated.

Article 8
List of Money Orders

The Exchange Office at Ottawa shall prepare a descriptive list of money orders issued in Canada for payment in India. The list shall be prepared on a form similar to specimen A”, annexed, and will show the international number of each money order and the amount in Canadian currency. Any other information required for the preparation of inland money orders by the Postal Administration of India shall be indicated on separate advices (specimen “B”, annexed) which shall be enclosed with the List.

The international numbers shall be shown on the relative advices.

Article 9
International Numbers and Numbering of Lists

Lists shall be numbered consecutively, beginning with No. 1 for the first list prepared in January of each year.

A number, known as the “international number”, shall be assigned to each order listed. The international number shall be consecutive, beginning with Number 1 for the first order listed in the first list prepared in January of each year.

Each list shall bear a clear impression of the stamp of the despatching Exchange Office and the, signature of an Exchange Office signing officer.

Article 10
Missing Lists

A missing list of money orders shall be reported immediately by the Exchange Office at Bombay to the Exchange Office at Ottawa. The Exchange Office at Ottawa will transmit without delay to the Exchange Office at Bombay a duly certified copy of the list.

Article 11
Payment of Money Orders

Each advice list shall be examined by the Exchange Office at Bombay and corrected in cases of simple errors. Payment shall then be arranged by the issue of Inland Money Orders. When a list and/or advices contain irregularities which cannot be rectified without correspondence, the Exchange Office at Bombay shall request instructions from the Exchange Office at Ottawa. These instructions shall be given with as little delay as possible.
In such cases the issue of Inland money orders shall be withheld until the corrections are received.

Article 12
Rules Governing the Issue and Payment of Money Orders

Money orders advised from Canada to India shall be subject as regards issue to the rules in force in Canada, and as regards payment to the rules in force in India.

Article 13
Duplicate Money Orders

Duplicate money orders shall only be issued by India in accordance with the regulations governing the issue of duplicate money orders in that country.

Article 14
Advice of Payment

The remitter of a money order may obtain advice of payment of the order by paying in advance to the exclusive profit of Canada, a fixed charge equal to the charge made in that country for acknowledgements of receipt of registered articles. The advice of payment shall be on a form adopted by India and the paying office in India shall send the advice of payment to the remitter either directly or through the Exchange Office at Ottawa.
If an advice of payment is required the Exchange Office at Ottawa shall type “A.P.” beside the entry on the advice list. A request for an advice of payment which is made after the issue of a money order as well as an advice of payment of “Through” money orders shall be sent to the Exchange Office at Bombay, which shall arrange for its completion and despatch to the Exchange Office at Ottawa.

Article 15
Repayment of Money Orders

Repayment of money orders shall not be effected in Canada until it has been ascertained from the Exchange Office at Bombay that the money order has not been paid and that the said Exchange Office has authorized repayment. A statement showing the particulars of the money order, repayment of which has been authorized shall be prepared by Canada on a form similar to specimen “C”, annexed, and shall accompany the General Account of money order transactions.

The amount authorized to be repaid by India shall be placed to the credit of Canada in the general account of money order transactions.

Article 16
Void Money Orders

The Postal Administration of India shall decide according to its own regulations the period up to which a money order received for payment by it shall be valid for payment. Money orders which remain unpaid on the expiration of this period shall be treated as void and the amounts shall revert to Canada.

At the end of each month, the Exchange Office at Bombay shall prepare and forward to the Exchange Office at Ottawa a detailed statement of all money orders issued in Canada for payment in India which remain unpaid at the expiration of the period of validity.

The total of such lists shall be placed to the credit of Canada in the next general account of money order transactions.

Article 17
Through Money Orders

The Postal Administration of Canada may make use of the medium of the Postal Administration of India to send money to countries with which the latter maintains a regular exchange of money orders and on terms to be settled before hand by common consent. The Postal Administration of India is authorized to collect on its own behalf an additional fee to be levied on the amount of such money orders advised through India.

Article 18
General Account

As soon as possible after the last day of each quarter year the Postal Administration of Canada shall prepare a statement (specimen “D” annexed) summarizing the total of the money order lists sent by Canada to India during the quarter. A general account of money order transactions shall be prepared in conformity with specimen “E”, annexed, and shall be transmitted in duplicate to the Postal Administration of India.

The amount to the credit of India shall be entered in the account in Canadian dollars.

Article 19
Special Item

The amount shall include under the heading “Special Items” any adjustments that are necessary in respect of previous accounts.

A detailed statement of such “Special Items” shall be annexed to the account. The authority for each special item shall be quoted opposite the relative item entry on the statement.

Article 20
Settlement of Account

The Postal Administration of Canada shall despatch -with the account a draft in favour of the Director General of Posts and Telegraphs, New Delhi, for the amount of Canadian dollars due to India.

Canada may make provisional remittances on account of its estimated indebtedness whenever between the two quarterly settlements, the estimated balance due to India exceeds $ 2500.00. Any amount remaining due to India at the expiration of six months following the period covered by the relative accounts shall thenceforth be subject to interest at the rate of 5% per annum. The interest on arrears shall be carried to the debit of the Canadian Administration in the following account.

Article 21
Additional Regulations

The Postal Administration of either country may make other regulations (if not repugnant to the provisions of this Convention) for the purpose of protection against fraud or improper payment, or for improvements in the operation of the system which it has established.

Article 22
Suspension of Service

The Canadian Postal Administration is authorised in extra ordinary circumstances which would justify such a measure, to suspend temporarily the Money Order Service wholly or in part.

Notice of such suspension shall be given immediately to the Postal Administration of India.

Article 23
Effective date of Agreement

This Agreement shall come into operation on the 1st day of January 1966, and shall continue in force until six months after either of the contracting Administrations shall have notified the other of its intention to terminate it.

DONE in duplicate and signed at New Delhi, the 27th day of December in the year 1965.

Sd /-

L.C. JAIN Chairman,
Posts and Telegraphs Board
Government of India,
New Delhi.

Sd /-

Minister Counsellor in the High Commission of Canada in India
New Delhi.

Note: Specimen forms not included

India Bilateral

Ministry of External Affairs, India

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