THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REGARDING EXCHANGE OF SCIENTISTS New Delhi, 14 February 1967 On the basis of preliminary discussions between representatives of the Government of India and the United States Government and in
light of the growing importance to the two countries of fruitful exchange of scientific information, a programme of exchange of scientists
and engineers, principally at the senior level has been proposed. The responsible agencies carrying out this exchange programme
within each country will be the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research for India and the National Science Foundation for
the United States or their appointed agents. It is recognised that such exchanges can provide one of the more effective means of
exchanging information between the scientific communities of the two countries. The exchange programme will be based on, though
not be limited to, the following : 1. Visits by scientists and engineers from one country to the other shall be for period of from two weeks to several months and the
total man-days per year shall not exceed approximately 800 for each country. 2. The costs associated with each visit shall be divided so that the traveller’s country bears the cost of transportation to and from
the other country and the host country shall bear the cost of substance and transportation within its own territory. 3. Individual scientists and engineers shall be proposed as exchange visitors by the travaller’s country and shall be selected, with
the consent of the host country, on the basis of the potential contributions which may ensue from such visits to the science and
technologies of the two countries. Suggestions leading to the selection of specific individuals may be offered by the host country. 4. The host country will be responsible for making arrangements for the visit of each foreign scientist and engineer, including his
itinerary which shall be agreed upon with the traveller’s country. 5. The programme will be considered to be initiated during March 1967 and the reviewed on an annual basis each year thereafter. This Agreement is signed by both parties at New Delhi on the Fourteenth Day of February, Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Sd/-
CHESTER BOWLES Director General, Scientific and
Ambassador of the United Industrial Research, and Secretary
States of America to the Government of India (Ex-Officio). |