Rio de Janeiro, 23 September 1968The Government of India and the Government of the Federal Republic of Brazil,
INSPIRED by a common desire to establish and develop closer cultural relations in the spirit of the high ideals of the Constitutions
of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, and
DESIROUS of promoting and developing in very possible manner such relations and understanding between India and Brazil , especially
in the realm of culture, art,science, technology and education,
HAVE agreed to conclude the following Cultural Agreement and for that purpose have nominated their respective Plenipotentiaries i.e.;
The President of the Republic of India
Prime Minister and Foreign Minister
The President of the Federal Republic of Brazil
Minister of External Relations.
Article I
The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to promote and stimulate cooperation between universities, academies, schools, and institutions
of higher learning, technical,scientific and art institutions, laboratories and research institutions, libraries and museums. To
achieve this objective, the Contracting Parties shall encourage in accordance with their respective internal legislation:
(a) exchange of representative and delegations in the field of culture, education, science and arts; and
(b) exchange of cultural, scientific and educational material, translation and exchange of books, periodicals and other scientific,
technical and cultural publications, and as far as possible exchange of archaeological specimens.
Article II
The Contracting Parties shall encourage :
(a) reciprocal visits of professors and experts for delivering lectures and conducting special courses; and
(b) reciprocal visits of representatives of literary, scientific, technical, artistic and journalists’ associations and organizations
and participation in congresses.
Article III
Each Contracting Party shall grant scholarships to students from the country of the other Party for postgraduate studies in cultural,
technical, educational and scientific fields.
Article IV
Each Contracting Party shall encourage exchange of scientific, technical and art exhibitions.
Article V
Both Contracting Parties shall encourage dissemination of knowledge of each other’s culture through radio, press and similar other
mass media.
Article VI
Both Contracting Parties shall encourage exchanges in the field of sports and physical education.
Article VII
Both Contracting Parties shall facilitate exchanges in the following fields :
(a) performances of artistes
(b) participation in each other’s International Film Festivals; and
(c) films, documentaries, radio and television programmes and recordings and discs and tapes.
Article VIII
Each Contracting Party shall endeavour to ensure that text books and other educational publications prescribed for educational institutions
do not contain any error or misrepresentation about the country of the other Party.
The Contracting Parties shall offer their good offices to facilitate the mutual recognition by universities and other educational
authorities in the two countries of the degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded by them in accordance with the laws prevailing
in each country.
Article X
The Government of India shall facilitate and encourage the study of Brazilian literature and history at Universities and institutions
of higher teaching in India and the establishment of centres for the study of Brazilian history and culture.
The Government of Brazil shall facilitate and encourage teaching of Indian literature and history at Universities and institutes of
higher learning in Brazil and the establishment of centres for Indian studies in its territory.
Article XI
For the fulfilment of the objective of the present Agreement, a Joint Commission will be established, in due course, composed of three
representatives of each Contracting Party and will meet atleast once in every two years, alternatively in New Delhi and Rio de Janeiro.
To the said Joint Commission may be added representatives for the various Ministries concerned with the implementation of the Agreement
of the Contracting Party in whose territory the meeting is to be held as well as the Diplomatic Mission of the other Party.
The Joint Commission will be responsible for :
(a) keeping under periodical review the working of the Agreement in the two countries;
(b) advising the Government concerned on the detailed manner of carrying out the Agreement;
(c) formulating cultural, scientific and educational exchange programmes and reviewing their progress;
(d) recommending to the Party concerned any items of interest to either Party in the fields within the scope of the Agreement; and
(e) generally advising the Government concerned as to the manner in which the working of the Agreement may be improved upon.
Article XII
The present Agreement shall come into force thirty days after the exchange of the instruments of ratification, to take place in the
city of New Delhi and shall remain in force until the expiry of six months from the date on which one of the Contracting Parties
shall give notice in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Plenipotentiaries designated earlier have signed the present Agreement and affixed their seals thereto.
DONE in duplicate at Rio de Janeiro this the 23rd day of September 1968, (Corresponding to the 1st day of Asvina of the Saka year
One thousand eight hundred and ninety) in Hindi, Portuguese and English languages, all the texts being equally authentic, except
in the case of doubt when the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of India
For the Government of the
Federal Republic of Brazil