New Delhi, 24 June 1969 The Government of India on one hand and the Government of the Republic of Tunisia on the other,
DESIROUS of strengthening their cultural relations in order to increase their friendly collaboration in the literary, scientific,
artistic and technical fields,
HAVE decided to conclude this Agreement and have, consequently, nominated their Plenipotentiary representatives:
Minister for Education and Youth Services
For the Government of India
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
For the Government of the Republic of Tunisia
WHO after exchange of their Full Powers recognised as valid and in due form,
HAVE agreed on the following :
Article 1
The Contracting Parties undertake to promote and develop as far as possible the relations between the two countries in the fields
of education, science, culture and sports, in order to contribute to better knowledge of their respective cultures and activities
in these fields.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties shall facilitate and promote between their countries the exchange of teachers in various fields of teaching,
research workers, students, probationers, specialists, technicians or other persons connected with the fields covered by this Agreement.
Article 3
Each Contracting Party shall encourage as far as possible by grant of scholarship study grants or subsidies, the nationals of the
other Party to undertake or pursue studies of training courses in its own country.
Article 4
Each Contracting Party shall facilitate, to the nationals sponsored by the other Party, access to monuments, scientific institutions,
research centres, public libraries, archives, stadia and other cultural or sports bodies under its control subject to the rules and
regulations in force regarding the provision of such facilities.
Article 5
Each Contracting Party shall encourage close cooperation between the cultural and sports organizations as well as the pedagogic organisations
of the two countries.
Article 6
The Contracting Parties shall study the conditions under which equivalence could be established between the diplomas and degrees awarded
by each.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties shall encourage technical cooperation and exchange of cultural and artistic programmes between their Radio
and Television Stations.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall encourage, as far as possible and subject to their respective rules and regulations the exchange of
literary, artistic, scientific and technical books, brochures and journals, as also of taped music and films of educational interest.
Article 9
Each Contracting Party shall facilitate, subject to its financial resources and rules and regulations in force, the organisation,
on its own territory of artistic, cultural and scientific exhibitions, conferences, concerts, theatrical performances, cinematographic
projections of educational value and sports competitions.
Article 10
The Contracting Parties shall encourage exchange of groups of youth and sports groups and groups of journalists between the two countries
and will facilitate their stay and movements in their respective territories.
Article 11
Each Contracting Party shall ensure that the courses in its educational institutions include as much as possible chapters giving an
exact and sufficiently precise knowledge of the civilisation of the country of the other Party.
Article 12
The Contracting Parties shall encourage tourist exchanges between the two countries in order to develop better reciprocal knowledge
and to strengthen the ties of friendship between the two countries.
Article 13
For the implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties have decided to create a Mixed Commission, the Members of which
will be nominated respectively by the Governments of the two countries. This Commission shall meet alternatively in India and in
Tunisia whenever necessary at the rest of either Contracting Party.
The representatives of each of the Contracting Parties can co-opt into this Commission additional Members as Advisers.
The Mixed Commission shall be charged with studying and proposing for the consent of the Contracting Parties measures considered suitable
for the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 14
This Agreement shall come into force on the date of exchange of the Instruments of Ratification and shall remain in force unless terminated
by either Contracting Party by means of a prior written notice of six months to the other Party.
IN FAITH WHEREOF, the Plenipotentiary representatives have signed this Agreement in six originals, two each in the Hindi, French and
English languages, each text being equally authentic except in the event of doubt when the English text shall prevail.
DONE at New Delhi this Third day of Asadha, one Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninty one (S.S.) corresponding to Twenty fourth day of
June, one Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty nine.
For the Government
For the Government of
of India
The Republic of Tunisia
Minister for Education and
Secretary of State for
Youth Services
Foreign Affairs