The Government of the Republic of INDIA
The Government of the Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA
Hereinafter referred to as the ‘Parties’,
CONSCIOUS of the cultural relations between their countries,
INSPIRED by a common desire to promote and develop closer cultural relations in the future, and
DESIROUS of promoting and deepening in every possible way and putting on a sound basis the relations and understanding between their
HAVE agreed as follows :Article I
Each Party shall, subject to the laws and regulations in force in its country, accord to the other Party every possible facility
so as to assure the better understanding in its country of the other country, especially by means of :
(a) Books, periodicals and other publications;
(b) Lectures, concerts and theatrical performances;
(c) Art exhibitions, and other action to promote the knowledge and understanding of the art of the other country.
(d) Other exhibitions;
(e) Radio and other similar means;
(f) Scientific, educational or cultural films.
Article II
1. Both Parties shall encourage the exchange between their countries of professors, scholars, students and the members of scientific
and cultural institutions.
2. Each Party shall, to the best of its ability, accord in the scientific, technical and industrial institutions of its country facilities
for the training of employees of the other Party, or any other persons nominated by that Party.
Article III
Both parties shall encourage and facilitate co-operation between their countries in the fields of education, literature, music, theatre,
art and science and in other activities of a cultural nature.
Article IV
Each party shall study measures to provide the nationals of the country of the other Party with scholarships and other facilities
in the order to enable such nationals to study and undertake research or to acquire technical training in its country.
Article V
Both Parties shall encourage, as far as possible, sports competitions and other contacts between nationals of their countries and
collaboration between their youth organizations.
Article VI
Each Party shall, subject to the laws and regulations in force in its country of the other Party the facilities of, and access to,
museums, libraries and other documentation centers normally open to the public.
Article VII
Each Party shall encourage tourist visits by its nationals to the country of the other Party to foster greater understanding and friendship
between the two countries.
Article VIII
Representatives of both Parties shall meet at least once every two years, alternatively in New Delhi and Canberra, to discuss the
implementation of this Agreement.
Article IX
This Agreement shall come into force on signature, and shall remain in force until the expiration of the 180th day on which either
Party gives to the other written notice of its desire to terminate the Agreement.
DONE in duplicate at New Delhi this 21st day of October, 1971 (corresponding to the 29th day of Asvina of the Saka year 1893) in
the English and Hindi languages, both texts being equally authentic, except in the case of doubt when the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the
For the Government of the
Republic of India
Commonwealth of Australia
Ministry of Education
Department of Foreign Affairs
and Social Welfare