Kathmandu, 10 May 1972 Rajeshwar Prasad, IAS
10 May 1972
Dear Shri PRADHAN,
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of even date, which reads as follows :
“Following the completion of the Trisuli Hydel Project, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal understand that some items of machinery
and equipment have become surplus. The question of disposal of surplus machinery and equipment of aided project was discussed at
the Third Aid Review Talks held in New Delhi in December 1968, and it was agreed by the two Governments that if the surplus items
of machinery and equipment of a project are neither required for maintenance of the project nor for other Indian aided projects,
the same could be transferred to HMG, if they are in need of them. Now being given to understand that the items of machinery and
equipment mentioned in the annexure to this letter are neither required for the maintenance for the Trisuli Hydel Project nor for
other Indian aided projects in Nepal, I am to convey the request of HMG of Nepal to the Government of India through you for the transfer
of these items to HMG, since HMG are in need of them for similar other projects in Nepal. HMG understand that the depreciated value
of these items amounts to Rs. 5,88,957.00 IC. Necessary credit of the depreciated value of the items will be afforded to the Project
by per contra to aid funds”.
2. I have the honour to inform you that the Government of India agree to the request of HMG for the transfer of machinery and equipment
mentioned in the annexure of your letter.
3. I have the honour to state that the foregoing sets out correctly the agreement reached between us and that your letter and my reply
thereto will constitute an Agreement between the Government of India and His Majesty’s Government of Nepal.
4. Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Ministry of Finance
H.M.G. of Nepal
Dated 6th December 1972
Dear Shri PRADHAN,
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of even date, which reads as under :
“His Majesty’s Government are glad to note that the Trisuli Hydel Project taken up for construction with the assistance of the Government
of India has been completed and that the project is functioning according to design. His Majesty’s Government consider it desirable
that a desilting basin is also constructed in the Trisuli Hydel Project to minimise the deposition of silt in the balancing reservoir.
I am now to convey the request of His Majesty’s Government to the Government of India through you for the construction of a desilting
basin in the Trisuli Hydel Project. His Majesty’s Government understand that the cost of construction of this basin would be Rs.
53.29 lakhs I.C. His Majesty’s Government will be pleased to continue to extend all the facilities that were provided in the Agreement
for the construction of the Trisuli Hydel Project signed on 20th November 1958 and subsequent letters exchanged on May 9, 1960, August
24, 1960 and May 25, 1961.”
2. I am to state that on the basis of the request and assurances conveyed by His Majesty’s Government, the Government of India agree
to the construction of a desilting basin in the Trisuli Hydel Project at a cost of Rs. 53.29 Lakhs I.C.
3. I have the honour to confirm that the above correctly sets out the understanding reached between us. Your letter and my reply
thereto shall constitute an Agreement between the Government of India and His Majesty’s Government of Nepal which shall come into
force with effect from today’s date.
4. Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Finance Secretary
Ministry of Finance
H.M.G. of Nepal