New Delhi, 28 March 1974WHEREAS the peaceful uses of atomic energy hold great promise for the peoples of INDIA and IRAQ;
WHEREAS the Government of the Republic of INDIA
The Government of the Republic of IRAQ
DESIRE to develop the friendly relations existing between the two Countries;
THE PARTIES have therefore agreed on the following provisions :
Article I
The Contracting Parties and their competent organs will cooperate
in the :
(a) planning and execution of collaborative Programmes mutually agreed upon involving the use of research reactors in India and Iraq;
(b) application of radioisotopes in medicine, agriculture, industry, engineering and general scientific research;
(c) development of nuclear electronics and instrumentation for basic research;
(d) other questions of interest that may be agreed upon by the competent organs of the Contracting Parties from time to time.
Article II
In order to bring into effect the cooperation as specified in Article I, the competent organs of the Contracting Parties will carry
out, promote and make possible in accordance with specific Programmes mutually agreed to from time to time :
1. establishment of correspondence and personal relations between representatives of scientific and technical institutions of both
2. delegation of scientific workers and experts from one country to another aimed at an exchange of experience, improvement of qualification
and solution of problems of common interest;
3. participation by experts from one Contracting Party in conferences, congresses, symposia and seminars or other kinds of professional
meetings organised by the other Contracting Party other than under international or regional auspices, where problems under active
investigation within both the countries are being discussed;
4. exchange of scientific and technical publications;
5. exchange of technical documentation, samples of apparatus and equipment for nuclear engineering and of materials, in accordance
with the facilities available to each of the Contracting Parties;
6. exchange of training programmes, curricula, text-books , and experience in the sphere of professional training and instruction
of experts;
7. exchange of scholarship holders.
Article III
The provisions of Article II do not apply to information, documentation or equipment of a secret character or to such items as cannot
be made available by either of the Contracting Parties because they had been acquired from a third country or resulted from cooperation
with a third country.
Article IV
The Parties emphasize their common interest in assuring that any such material equipment, information, technical knowledge and experience
that are exchanged or transferred between the two countries in accordance with this Agreement, shall not be used in such a way as
to further any military purpose.
Article V
Costs and expenses, if there be any, in the implementation of the above activities shall be determined in each case by mutual agreement
of the Parties.
Article VI
Representatives of both Governments will meet as often as the occasion requires to consider ways and means of extending the cooperation
for the advancement of the peaceful uses of atomic energy in their respective countries.
Article VII
This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by representative of both governments, duly authorised for the purpose.
It may be terminated upon six months notice by either Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed pursuant to duly constituted authority.
DONE in New Delhi this twenty-eight day of March, 1974 in two original copies in Arabic, Hindi and English and all three versions
being equally authentic.
For the Government of the
Republic of INDIA
Sd /-
Foreign Secretary
For the Government of the
Republic of IRAQ
Sd /-
Head, Economic Bureau, R.c.e. .