Lima, 26 August 1975
The Government of the Republic of INDIA
The Government of the Republic of PERU,
ACKNOWLEDGING the existing friendly relations between the peoples of India and Peru,
CONSIDERING THAT the peoples of India and Peru have a common interest in the economic progress and that their joint efforts in the
interchange of technical knowledge and industrial skill shall be of great assistance in achieving the said aim,
DESIROUS of developing a closer cooperation in the technical and scientific fields on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,
CONVINCED THAT such cooperation between peoples of both countries shall promote the interests of other developing countries,
HAVE AGREED to the following :
Article I
The Government of India and the Government of Peru shall, pursuant to the conditions specified in this Agreement, facilitate and
promote any technical and scientific cooperation considered mutually profitable to the economies of both countries.
Article II
This Basic Agreement for Technical and Scientific Cooperation shall be implemented by the Parties through separate specific agreement
s which will be concluded between authorised agencies and institutions in both countries. These agreements shall be subject to the
prior approval by the Governments pursuant to the regulations in force in each country and to the relevant international agreements
and other obligations of the Parties.
Article III
The Technical and Scientific Cooperation between both countries shall include, inter alia, the following activities, which shall be
eventually expanded to cover other course of action as may be reciprocally useful:
(a) interchange of technical personnel for training in technical, scientific and other institutions, factories and other production
centers in each country; granting of scholarships and courses to provide training or other facilities to students of each country;
(b) interchange of experts from each country with the purpose of imparting technical knowledge by means of lectures, instruction and
participation in other fields of technical cooperation; provision of experts’ services for specialised services in certain technical
(c) interchange and provision of technical documentation, locally manufactured equipments and information thereon;
(d) cooperation in scientific work between technical and scientific organizations and institutions in both countries, including interchange
of information, books and literature on economic, social and scientific themes;
(e) joint preparation of scientific and technical programmes; analysis and approval of joint research projects, the results of which
could be applied to various field of economic activity;
(f) cooperation in consultancy services; and
(g) creation of centres of technical and scientific documentation and consolidation of professional and technical centres.
Article IV
Unless otherwise agreed upon between them, the Parties agree not to disclose to the third countries the results of the technical
and scientific cooperation or the related research work.
Article V
The representatives of the two Parties shall meet periodically either in New Delhi or in Lima to review and evaluate the progress
achieved in the implementation of this Agreement and the specific agreements referred to in Article II. The decisions taken at these
meetings, however, shall be subject to the approval of the Governments of both the countries.
Article VI
The experts appointed for the performance of the tasks provided for in this Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the country
to which they have been assigned. The Government receiving the services must safeguard the Government providing said services and
its experts from any responsibility arising from damages caused by the experts in Acts of God or force major cases during the normal
execution of the tasks entrusted to them under this Agreement; any other responsibility shall be subject to the legal regulations
of the country in which the expert is rendering services.
Article VII
The government receiving the services of experts and technicians under this Agreement shall, in as much as its resources and laws
will permit, make available to them all facilities required for the normal discharge of their functions. The experts and technicians
and their families shall be entitled to such customs or fiscal privileges as may be agreed upon between the Parties by an exchange
of Notes, on a basis of reciprocity.
Article VIII
The present Agreement shall remain in force for automatically renewable periods of five years, unless it is terminated by a notice
sent by one of the Parties to the other at least six months before the expiry of the Agreement. The contents of this Article shall
not affect the performance of the programmes which are underway at the time of termination.
Article IX
This Agreement shall enter into force when both the Parties have completed the relevant internal statutory formalities in regard
to this Agreement and have informed each other of the same through a Note.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Plenipotentiaries of both countries duly authorised by their respective Governments have
SIGNED this Agreement in Lima on the 26th day of August, 1975 in two originals each in Hindi, Spanish and English languages, all the
texts being equally authentic.
For the Government of India
For the Government of Peru
Minister of External Affairs