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- CALIM - Current Awareness for Legal Information Managers Database [Search]
A searchable web database containing the bibliographic details of recent books and periodical articles published from January 2000 onwards. Based on the Current Awareness column in the Law Librarian (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London)
- Courtcom [Search]
Provides technological services to the legal profession
- elexica [Search]
Free online legal resource including practical guides, training modules, checklists, summaries, a legal discussions forum and a virtual library of web links (Simmons & Simmons)
- Justis [Search]
Legal database and information service for the UK and the European Union (Requires subscription)
- Lawtel [Search]
UK online legal information service offering fast, easy and intuitive access to changes in the law as they happen
- Lawzone [Search]
Articles on legal disciplines, news, legal directories, company reports, legal resources and links and caselaw information for registered users
- Legalwebwatch
Monitors the websites of numerous organisations, governmental organisations, and law firms and notifies subscribers when new information is published
- Smith Bernal International [Search]
Offers full text judgments, real-time transcription services, official reports of the Courts of Appeal and a number of London Crown courts and other legal services
- UKcorporator [Search]
Online UK company formation - automatically creates and downloads the necessary documents for the formation of any type of company to be incorporated in England, Scotland or Wales. Includes FAQs and Resources sections