Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Army (Amendment) Act (No. 10 of 1993) - Sect 2

Amendment of section 27 of chapter 357

2. Section 27 of the Army Act (hereinafter referred to as the " principal enactment ") is hereby amended by the addition immediately after paragraph (aa) of that section, of the following new paragraph:
" (aaa)
(i) in respect of any period during which he is suspended from the exercise of his office, pending the conclusion of judicial or disciplinary proceedings instituted against him in respect of a prescribed offence, all pay and allowances, and
(ii) in respect of each month of any period during which he is suspended from the exercise of his office pending the conclusion of judicial or disciplinary proceedings instituted against him in respect of any other offence, a part of his pay and allowances for that month as may be prescribed ;".

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