Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Animals (Amendment) Act (No. 46 of 1988) - Sect 11

Insertion of new section 19A in the principal enactment

11. The principal enactment principal enactment is hereby amended by the insertion, immediately after section 19, of the following new section :
19A. Where any animal which has been seized, tied up and detained under sections 14 and 15, is not claimed by its owner or any person on behalf of the owner, within thirty days of the date of such seizure and detention, it shall be sold by public auction by a person authorized in that behalf by the Government Agent of the administrative district in which the animal is detained and
(a) in any case where the sale is in respect of an animal detained for trespassing on private land, the amount of the damages occasioned by the trespass and assessed in the prescribed manner and the fair expenses of maintenance of that animal during; the period of detention shall be paid to the owner or occupier of such land, out of the proceeds of such sale, and the balance if any shall be credited to the Consolidated Fund. ".
(b) in any case where the sale is in respect of an animal trespassing on any land other than private land, the proceeds of sale, shall be credited to the Consolidated Fund. ".

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