4. Subsection (2) of section 5 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following subsection substituted therefor:-
"(2) The register of the members of the Corporation shall contain the following particulars:-
| | (a) in the case of regional branches and member associations of the Corporation"
| | | (i) the name and full postal address of each regional branch or member association ; |
| (ii) the date on which such regional brand: or association was enrolled as a member ; and |
| (iii) the date on which such regional branch. or association ceased to be a member : |
| | (b) in the case of honorary, life or ordinary members of the Corporation"
| | | (i) the name, full postal address, rank, occupation or profession of each such member ; |
| (ii) the date on which each such member was enrolled as a member ; and |
| (iii) the date on which each such member ceased to be s member.". |