Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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All Ceylon Jemmiyathul Ulama (Incorporation) Act (No. 51 of 2000) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general Objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be"
(a) to promote and Protect "Dheen Ul Islam"' (the ideology of Islam) ;
(b) to promote and foster unity in the Muslim community in general and among the Ulama (Islamic theologians) in particular;
(c)to promote the cultural, social and economic welfare of the Muslims, in accordance with Islam ;
(d) to organize, and co-ordinate Jumma sermons of congregational prayers :
(e) to publish hooks, periodicals and journals in Sinhala. Tamil and English languages and to establish a well equipped library or libraries, in order to foster a better understanding of Islam by Muslims and persons practising other relations :
(f) to promote the study of the Arabic Language ;
(g) to promote inter communal amity ;
(h) to establish branches and sub-branches of the Corporation in each of the administrative districts of the republic ; and
(i) to do all such acts and things as are neccessary for, or conducive or incidental to. the attainment of the objects of the Corporation.

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