Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 10

Consequence of failure by tenant cultivator to pay rent

10. (1) when the land lord in forms the commissioner general that the tenant cultivator is in arrears of rent in respect of an extent of paddy land the commissioner general shall cause the Agrarian tribunal to hold an inquiry into such matter. Where the agrarian Tribunal determines after such inquiry that the rent is in arrears and the amount in writing to the tenant cultivator the landlord and the commissioner-general.
(2) On the receipt of the notice of such decision the Commissioner - General shall give notice in writing to the tenant cultivator that his tenency in respect of such extent would be terminated if he fails to pay such arrears in either paddy or money within the time, specified in such notice.
(3) A tenant cultivator who fails to pay the arrears of rent within the time specified therefor in the notice shall be deemed to have forfeited his tenancy and shall vacate such extent on being ordered to do so by the Commissioner - General .
(4) If the tenent cultivator fails to vacate such extent of paddy land within the time specified in the notice the Commissioner -General shall cause such tenent cultivator to be evicted from such extent of baddy land in accordance with the provisions of section 8.
(5) When the tenancy rights of the tenant cultivator has been terminated in accordance when the provisions of this sections the possession of such extent of paddy land shall be handed over to the owner or the person entitled to such extent of paddy land,or where there is a dispute as to the ownership of such extent,to the agrarian Development Council of the area in which such extent is situated.

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