Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 19

Fixing of compensation to be paid to the tenant cultivator

(1) The landlord of any extent of paddy land may make application to the Commissioner-General to ha\e such extent exempted from the application of the provisions of section 6.
(2) The Commissioner-General shall, after inquiry, make order that the provisions of section 6 shall cease to apply to the extent of paddy land in respect of which an application has been made to him under subsection (1). upon being satisfied that the applicant has paid to the tenant cultivator of that extent, compensation of a sum not less than the equivalent in money of the number of bushels of paddy that can be obtained from such extent during one season (regard being had, for this purpose, to the number of bushels of paddy that can be obtained from an acre of paddy land in the area in which such extent is situated) multiplied by ten.

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