Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 23

issuing supervision orders

(1) Where the Commissioner-General is informed by the Farmers Organization within whose area of authority supervision any agricultural land is situated that such agricultural land is orders. not being cultivated in accordance with the provisions Act or the regulations made in that regard or when the Commissioner-General becomes aware in any other manner that an agricultural land is not being cultivated according to the provisions of this Act or regulations made thereunder . the Commissioner-General may. after giving the owner cultivator or occupier of such agricultural land an opportunity of making representations to him or to his authorised representative, by order (hereinafter referred lo as a "Supervision Order") place the owner cultivator or occupier under the Commissioner-General's supervision for such period as may be specified in such order.
(2) Regulations may he made prescribing, the manner in which inquiries under subsection (1) are to be conducted, the procedure to be followed in the issuing and implementation of Supervision Orders, and the manner of revoking the same.

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