Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 30

Every paddy land which can be cultivated with paddy shall be utilised for the cultivation of paddy

(1) Paddy lands which have been identified by the Commissioner-General as paddy lands from which the maximum production can be obtained by the cultivation of paddy shall be cultivated with paddy during every season in which paddy can be cultivated thereon.
(2) Where paddy cannot be cultivated during any season in an extent of paddy land which has been identified under subsection (1), due to a natural or other cause an agricultural crop which is not a perennial crop may be cultivated on such paddy land after obtaining the written permission of the Commissioner-General.
(3) In the case of paddy lands from which satisfactory production can be obtained by the cultivation of any crop other than paddy, such paddy land may. subject to the provisions of section 29(5). be cultivated with half yearly crops other than paddy alter obtaining the written permission of the Commissioner-General. For the purpose of cultivating long term crops in such paddy lands, the written permission of the Commissioner-General shall be obtained prior to the commencement of such cultivation.
(4) Every person who contravenes the provisions of section shall be guilty of this an offence under this Act.
(5) A certificate issued by the Commissioner-General to the effect that the provisions of this section have been contravened- shall be admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie proof of such fact.

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