Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 35

Rent to be paid in respect of other agricultural crops

(1) Where any extent of paddy land is cultivated with any other agricultural crop as permitted under this Act Commissioner-General shall determine from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this section, the rent to be paid by the tenant cultivator of that extent of paddy land, to the landlord, in respect of such extent
(2) In determining the rent payable in respect of any extern of paddy land cultivated with any other agricultural crop, the Commissioner-General shall have regard to the cost of production and the market value, of such crop.
(3) The rent determined under subsection (1) may vary in respect of different administrative districts or in respect of different parts of an administrative district.
(4) Where the rent determined under subsection (1) is computed on the basis of a specified sum of money for each- cultivated acre the rent for any cultivated area of less than one acre shall be computed in the proportion that such area bears to one acre.
(5) The rent determined under subsection (1) shall be paid within thirty days of the harvesting of the crop on such extent. If the rent is not so paid such rent shall commence to be in arrears on the first day after the said thirtieth day.
(6) Action may be taken in respect of the rent in arrears for that extent, in accordance with the provisions of section 10 of this Act.

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