Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 54

Agriculturalists to give information to Agrarian Development Council

(1) The owner cultivator or occupier of every agricultural land shall in writing, inform, the Agricultural Development Council within whose area of authority .such land is situated, the prescribed particulars regarding such agricultural land, the ownership, the occupation for the time being and all agricultural activities carried out thereon, within such period as may be specified by such Council.
(2) Where the Agrarian Development Council informs the Commissioner-General that any occupier cultivator or occupier has failed to comply with the provisions of subsection (1), the Commissioner-General shall cause an inquiry to be held by the Agrarian Tribunal established for that area.
(3) The Agrarian Tribunal shall determine whether the owner cultivator or occupier has contravened the provisions of subsection (1) and the Agrarian Tribunal shall forthwith inform the Commissioner-General, and the Agrarian Development Council of its decision in writing by registered post. Where the Agrarian Tribunal determines that a owner cultivator or occupier has contravened the provisions of subsection (1). the Tribunal shall require him to pay a penalty of one thousand rupees to the Agrarian Development Council.
('4) If any person defaults in the payment of the penalty imposed on him under subsection (1), the Agrarian Development Council or any officer authorised on that behalf may make an application to the Magistrate's Court within whose jurisdiction such agricultural land is situated, to recover that .sum of money as though, it were a fine imposed by court and the sum of money so recovered shall be paid to the Agrarian Development Council.
(5) A certificate from the Agrarian Tribunal to the effect that such sum of money is due to the Agrarian Development Council from the person specified therein for contravention of the provisions of subsection (1) shall be prima facie evidence that such sum of money is due to the Agrarian Development Council from such person.

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