Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 6

Where the lessee of a paddy land should be deemed be a tenant cultivator

(1) When a person who leases out an extent of paddy land under an oral or written contract such person shall, if he is the cultivator of such land and is a citizen of Sri Lanka, be the tenant cultivator of such extent of paddy land for the purposes of this Act,
(2) Where two or more persons have leased out an extent of paddy land under an oral or written agreement and cultivated such extent of land either jointly or in rotation, each one of such persons shall if he is a citizen of Sri Lanka be the tenant cultivator of such extent of paddy land for the season in which he is the cultivator of such paddy land.
(3) Where a new oral or written agreement is entered into in respect of an extent of paddy land after the date of commencement of this Act, subsections (1) and (2) shall not be applicable to such paddy land.
(4) Where any person who is a permit holder holding an extern of paddy land upon a permit issued under the Land Development Ordinance subject to the condition that such permit holder himself shall cultivate such extent of paddy land, leases out such extent of paddy land to a person who cultivates such extent of paddy land the person so cultivating shall not be deemed to be a tenant cultivator within the meaning of this Act.

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