Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Agrarian Development Act (No. 46 of 2000) - Sect 82

Farmers Organization to be informed of any construction projects &c

(1) Where any government department, public corporation, person or body of persons proposes to construct a tank, dam canal watercourse or commence any development project, within the area of authority of Farmers' Organization, it shall be the duty of the head of such department or corporation or such person or such body of persons to inform the Farmers' Organization of the proposed construction or project and invite its comments thereon.
(2) Upon receipt of the comments of a Farmers' Organisation under subsection (1), the head of such department or corporation or person or body of persons shall forthwith inform the Farmers' Organisation whether and how he has taken into account the comments of the Farmers' Organisation in the finalisation of the plans for construction or the development project, as the case may be, or why he has not been able to give effect to such comments in such plan or project, as the case may be.

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