Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Asian Development Bank Agreement (Ratification) Act (No. 21 of 1966) - Sect 2

1. This Act may be cited as the Asian Development Bank Agreement (Ratification) Act, No. 21 of 1966

2. The Governor-General is hereby empowered by instruments under his hand to authorize such person as may be named in the instrument, on behalf of the Government of Ceylon,-
(a) to ratify or accept the Agreement establishing the Asian Development Bank, in this Act referred to as " the Agreement " and " the Bank " respectively, to which Ceylon is a signatory and which is set out in the Schedule to this Act; and
(b) to deposit with the Secretary-General of the United Nations an instrument of such ratification or acceptance stating that the Government has accepted the Articles of the Agreement without reservation in accordance with the law of Ceylon and has taken all steps to enable the Government to carry out all the obligations of the Government under the said Articles in order that Ceylon which is entitled to be an original member of the Bank by virtue of Article 64 of, and Annex A to, the said Articles may accept membership in the Bank.

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