Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Ambalangoda Deshapremi Sanvidhanaya (Incorporation) Act (No. 47 of 1992) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be"
(a) to promote and. engage in the implementation of community welfare, cultural and social development projects within Sri Lanka :
(b) to undertake, the execution of road development and housing schemes, the construction and improvement of hospitals, educational centres, schools, community centres and other development activities ;
(c) to afford children in indigent circumstances, an opportunity of preparing for, entering upon or engaging in, any trade, occupation or service, by the provision of out fits, the payment of fees for instruction and other such means ;
(d) to award, grant and provide, bursaries, scholarships, prizes, donations, financial aid and assistance in any other form, for the advancement, dissemination and propagation of education and knowledge, including the establishment of schools, libraries and cultural centres ;
(e) to engage in any industry or trade or in any export or import business, to aid and assist persons to commence and operate agricultural, industrial and commercial ventures and to undertake training programmes and extension services ;
(f) to collaborate, or amalgamate with any other institution or organisation, whether foreign or local. having objects similar to those of the Corporation ;
(g) to sponsor and conduct conferences, seminars, workshops, group studies and lectures within or outside Sri Lanka, for the purposes of achieving the objects of the Corporation :
(h) to print, publish and distribute books, journals, leaflets, news papers and magazines which the Corporation may consider desirable for the promotion and advancement of its objects;
(i) to train personnel within Sri Lanka or outside Sri Lanka for the benefit of the Corporation; and
(j) to perform such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the Corporation.

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