Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Ambalangoda Deshapremi Sanvidhanaya (Incorporation) Act (No. 47 of 1992) - Sect 8

Power of to acquire property and raise money

(1) The Corporation shall be able and capable in law to acquire by purchase, gift, bequest, grant, devise, disposition, exchange or in any other manner and to hold any movable or immovable property and to dispose of any such property acquired or held by the Corporation.
(2) The Corporation shall have the power to borrow or raise money necessary for the furtherance of its objects on any security and to secure the discharge of any debt or obligation of the Corporation in such manner as may be deemed fit.
(3) The Corporation may raise funds and receive subscriptions, grants, donations, and gifts in cash or kind, whether from local or foreign sources.
(4) All property movable and immovable, acquired or held by the Corporation and all moneys paid to or received by the Corporation under this Act or rules made there under shall be held, used and applied by the Corporation in accordance with the rules, for the furtherance of its objects.

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