Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Atomic Energy Authority Act (No. 19 of 1969) - Sect 15

Functions of the Authority

(1) The Authority shall undertake and make arrangements for the conduct of research and development activities relating to-
(a) the production of atomic energy, including processes, materials, and devices relating to such production;
(b) the utilization of fissionable and radioactive materials for medical, agricultural, industrial and other peaceful purposes;
(c) the protection of health during such research and development activities;
(d) the protection of health of persons employed at premises or places in which any radioactive materials are manufactured, produced. treated, stored or used or any irradiating apparatus is used, and the prevention of injury caused by ionizing radiations to the health of other persons; and
(e) the protection of health of persons transporting radioactive materials.
(2) The arrangements referred to in sub-section (1) shall contain such provisions to protect health, t minimize danger from explosion and other hazard to life and property, and to require the reporting and to permit the inspection of work performed there under, as the Authority may determine.

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