Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Atomic Energy Authority Act (No. 19 of 1969) - Sect 42


42. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires- " atomic energy " means the energy released from atomic nuclei as a result of any process, but does not include energy released in an] process of natural transmutation or radio active decay which is not accelerated on influenced by external means; " material " means any natural or artificial material, whether in solid or liquid or in the form of gas or vapour, and includes any manufactured article or any article which ha: been subjected to any artificial treatment on process; " Permanent Secretary " means the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of which the Minister is in charge; " plant " includes any machinery, equipment or appliance, whether affixed to land or not; " prescribed substance " means uranium, thorium beryllium, lithium or any of their compounds or any other substance which the Minister may by notification in the Gazette prescribe being a substance which, in his opinion, is or may be used for the production or use of atomic energy or research into matters connected therewith; and " radioactive material " means any material which consists of or contains any radioactive chemical element whether natural or artificial.

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