Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Animal Feed Act (No. 15 of 1986) - Sect 20

Approved animal feed deemed to be misbranded

20 . An approved animal feed shall be deemed to be misbranded within the meaning of this Act-
(a) if the print in any container .or the label .or package of any approved animal feed bears any statement, design .or device that is false, misleading, deceptive .or likely to create an erroneous impression, regarding its composition, strength, quality. purity .or safety ;
(b) if it is an imitation of, or substitute for or resembling in such manner as is likely to deceive, another approved animal feed, under the name, by which it is sold or offered or exposed for sale and is not labelled plainly or such label is not affixed conspicuously so as it indicate its true character;
(c) if it is stated to be a product .of a place .or country of which it is not truly a product;
(d) If it is sold or offered far sale by a name by which another approved animal feed is sold;
(e) if it is not printed or labelled in accordance with the requirements under this Act.

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