Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Anuradhapura, Mahapothana, Konwewa Sama Deepa Samaja Kendraya (Incorporation) Act (No. 23 of 1992) - Sect 3

General objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation is constituted are hereby declared to be
(i) to promote the religious, cultural, educational, economic resurgence and social revival of the village community ;
(ii) to help conserve the forest and water resources and preserve the ancient arts and crafts;
(iii) to promote the mechanization of agriculture, by the use of scientific techniques and of scientific equipment, and for this purpose, to establish and maintain model projects;
(iv) to revive small industries which are carried on by villagers and for this purpose, to establish and maintain model projects;
(v) to improve facilities for sports in villages ;
(vi) to conduct surveys and collect and publish data regarding the standards of living of the village community ;
(vii) to present the grievances and problems of the village community to the proper authorities.

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