Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Al-kulliyathun Nooriya (Arabic College) Kannattota (Incorporation) Act (No. 10 of 2000)


           Long Title

   1.	   Short title  
   2.	   Incorporation of the Mashura Council of the Al-Kulliyathun Nooriya (Arabic College) Kannattota  
   3.	   General Objects of the Corporation  
   4.	   General objects of the Corporation  
   5.	   Rules of the Corporation  
   6.	   Debts due by and payable to the College  
   7.	   Corporation may hold and dispose movable and immovable  
   8.	   Fund of the Corporation  
   9.	   Accounts and audit  
   10.	   Seal of the Corporation  
   11.	   saving of rights of the Republic and others  
   12.	   Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistency  

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