Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Al-kulliyathun Nooriya (Arabic College) Kannattota (Incorporation) Act (No. 10 of 2000) - Sect 3

General Objects of the Corporation

3. The general objects for which the Corporation constituted are hereby declared to be -
(a) to manage, develop and maintain, the Al-Kulliyathun Nooriya Arabic College Kannattota situated at Kannattota :
(b) to encourage the teaching of the Islam in the Arabic language, according to the "Holy Quran" and "Hadeeths" :
(c) to provide facilities for the training of Islamic Religious Scholars known as "Ulamas" ;
(d) to give opportunities to students to study Islam on the basis of the approved syllabi of the Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka and to prepare them to sit for the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level and Advanced Level Examinations :
(e) to encourage recital from memory, of the "Holy Quran" according to "Thajweed" or proper intonation ;
(f) to establish and maintain a separate division for the social, economic and educational development of Muslim women :
(g) to grant scholarships to deserving students and to render assistance to them in any other form as may be deemed necessary to enable them to pursue their studies ;
(h) to train students to encourage in any industry or trade. using raw materials available in the area ; and
(i) to do all other acts and things as are or may be necessary, conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above mentioned objects.

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