Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Al-haj N. M. Buhardeen Foundation (Incorporation) Act (No. 43 of 1992) - Sect 2

Incorporation of the Al-Haj N.M. Buhardeen Foundation

2. From and after the date of commencement of this Act such and so many persons as now are members of the AI-Haj N. M, Buhardeen Foundation (hereinafter referred to as " the Association ") or shall hereafter be admitted members of the Corporation hereby constituted shall be a body corporate (hereinafter referred to as " the Corporation ") with perpetual succession, under the name and style of Al-Haj N.M. Buhardeen Foundation and by that name may sue and be sued in all courts with full power and authority to have and use a common seal and alter the same at its pleasure.

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