Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Air Navigation (Special Provisions) Act (No. 2 of 1982) - Sect 5

Replacement of section 23 of the principal enactment

5. Section 23 of the principal enactment is hereby repealed and the following section substituted therefor:
(1) All sums paid or recovered by way of fees, charges or fines under this Act shall, subject to subsection (3), be payable into the Consolidated Fund.
(2) The Agent shall collect or recover on behalf of the Government, such fees, rents, taxes or other charges imposed or levied under this Act as may be specified by the Minister by Order published in the Gazette.
(3) The Agent shall retain, as fees for the services provided by, him in the discharge of his functions, such part of the fees, taxes or charges collected or recovered by him on behalf of the Government as is specified by the Minister by Order published in the Gazette and shall remit the balance to the Consolidated Fund.".

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