Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Apartment Ownership (Amendment) Act (No. 39 of 2003) - Sect 42

Amendment of the First Schedule to the principal enactment

42. The First Schedule to the principal enactment is hereby amended as follows :-
(1) by the substitution for the word "unit" wherever the word "unit" appears in the Schedule of the words "condominium parcel" ;
(2) in item 2 of the Schedule substitution for the words "Condominium Plan No." of the words "Condominium Plan or Semi Condominium Plan No." ;
(3) by the repeal of item 3 (2) of the Schedule and the substitution therefore of the following :
"(2) Where there are not more than three owners the council shall consist of all the owners.".
(4) in item 8 (5) of the Schedule by the substitution for the words "council shall after its general meeting", of the words "council shall within thirty days after its general meeting" ;
(5) in item 9 (2) of the Schedule (9) by the substitution of the words "The first annual general meeting" of the words "Subject to the provisions in subsection (3) of the section 20B the First annual general meeting".
(6) by the addition immediately after, item 10 (2) (b) : of the following :
"(c) shall convene an extra general meeting upon a request in writing made by the Condominium Management Authority.

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