Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Apartment Ownership (Amendment) Act (No. 45 of 1982) - Sect 7

Insertion of new section HA in the principal enactment.[ 7, 45 of 1982]

7. The following new section is hereby inserted immediately after section 11, and shall have effect as section 11A, of the principal enactment:
(1) No accessory unit or any share or estate or interest therein shall be dealt with independently of the unit to which such accessory unit has been made appurtenant as shown on the relevant registered Condominium Plan.
(2) Any person who deals with any accessory unit or any share, estate or interest therein independently and not made as appurtenant to the unit which such accessory unit is shown on the registered relevant Condominium Plan as being appurtenant shall be guilty of an offence under this Law.
(3) Any assurance made in contravention of the provisions of subsection (I) shall not be registered under this Law and any registration thereof shall be null and void and shall not pass any estate or interest in the accessory unit.
(4) Where such assurance has been registered, the Registrar on discovery thereof shall cancel the registration, and no person affected by such cancellation shall be entitled to any compensation. ".

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