Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Anuradhapura Urban Council (Special Provisions) Act (No. 28 of 1969) - Sect 2

Urban Councils Ordinance to operate in area which is to be excluded from Area of Authority of Anuradhapura Preservation Board

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Anuradhapura Preservation Board Act, the Minister may make an Order under section 2 of the Urban Councils Ordinance declaring any area (hereinafter referred to as the " urban area ") forming part of the Area of Authority of the Anuradhapura Preservation Board to be a town for the purposes of that Ordinance and assign to the Urban Council to be constituted for that urban area the name and designation " Anuradhapura Urban Council ".
(2) With effect from the date on which such an Order is published in the Gazette, notwithstanding the provisions of the Anuradhapura Preservation Board Act, the Urban Councils Ordinance shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, operate within that urban area, and with effect from the date of the constitution of the Anuradhapura Urban Council that urban area shall be excluded from such Area of Authority and the operation of the Anuradhapura Preservation Board Act.

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