Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Business Names Act (No. 7 of 1987) - Sect 14

Additional Registrars and Assistant registrars

(1) There may from time to time be appointed for each administrative district-
(a) a fit and proper person to be or to act as Additional Registrar of Business Names (hereinafter referred to as Additional Registrar), and
(b) fit and proper persons to be or to act as Assistant Registrars of Business Names (hereinafter referred to as Assistant Registrars), as the Minister may deem necessary.
(2) In default of the appointment of the Additional Registrars in respect of each administrative district save and except the administrative district of Colombo, the Government Agent of each such administrative district shall be the Additional Registrar of Business Names for his district and shall be designated accordingly.
(3) In default of the appointment of Assistant Registrars for the administrative district of Colombo the Assistant Registrars of Companies or Acting Assistant Registrars of Companies shall be the Assistant Registrars for the administrative district of Colombo.
(4) In default of the appointment of Assistant Registrars in respect of each administrative district save and except the administrative district of Colombo the office assistants or the extra office assistants to each of the several administrative districts aforesaid shall be the Assistant Registrars for each of the administrative districts of Sri Lanka and shall be designated accordingly.
(5) Any Additional Registrar or Assistant Registrar may exercise, perform or discharge any power, duty or function under the authority or control of the Registrar imposed and or conferred upon the Registrar by or under this Act.

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