Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Bureau Of Ceylon Standards Act (No. 38 of 1964) - Sect 13

Objects of the Bureau

13. The objects of the Bureau shall be-
(a) to promote standardization in industry and commerce,
(b) to prepare, frame, modify or amend specifications and codes of practice,
(c) to make arrangements or provide facilities for the testing and calibration of precision instruments, gauges and scientific apparatus, for the determination of their degree of accuracy by comparison with standards approved by the Minister on the recommendation of the Council, and for the issue of certificates in regard thereto,
(d) to make arrangements or provide facilities for the examination and testing of commodities and any material or substance from or with which, and the manner in which, commodities may be manufactured, produced, processed or treated,
(e) to control, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the use of standardization marks and distinctive marks,
(f) to encourage or undertake educational work in connection with standardization,
(g) to provide for co-operation with any person, association or organization outside Ceylon having objects similar to those for which the Bureau is established,
(h) to assist in the rationalization of industry by coordinating the efforts of producers and consumers for the improvement of appliances, processes, raw materials and products,
(i) to establish, form, furnish and maintain libraries and laboratories for the purpose of furthering the practice of standardization,
(j) to provide for the testing at the request of the Minister., and on behalf of the Government, of locally manufactured and imported commodities, or of imported commodities, with a view to determining whether such commodities comply with the provisions of the Merchandise Marks Ordinance or any other law dealing with standards of quality, and
(k) to do all such other acts as the Bureau may think identical with or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the objects of the Bureau referred to in this section.

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