Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Board Of Trustees Of The Al Hassaniyyah Arabic College Trust (Incorporation) Act (No. 26 of 1985) - Sect 3

Object of the Board

3. The object for which the Board is incorporated shall be to perpetuate the functioning of the Al Hassaniyyah Arabic College (hereinafter referred to as "the College") for the teaching of the following subjects to Muslim students : -
(a) the Arabic Language, its Grammer, Literature, Prose, Poetry and other ancillary subjects to enable students to acquire a complete knowledge and command of, and proficiency in, the Arabic language;
(b) the" Shariath " or the code of Islamic laws according to "Fikh ", "Thafseer" and" Hadeeth" and other ancillary subjects in the Arabic language;
(c) the" Hifdhul Quran" or the recital from memory of the" Holy Quran " according to "Thajweed " or proper intonation; and
(d) other ancillary subjects in the Arabic medium that would help students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge in anyone or all of the subjects referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) :

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