Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Church of Ceylon (Incorporation) Act (No. 43 of 1998) - Sect 12

Constituent Assembly

(1) The Constituent Assembly shall consist of the following :-
(a) the Bishop of Colombo;
(b) the Bishop of Kurunegala;
(c) five Clergy and five laity as representatives from the Diocese of Colombo elected for such purpose by the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Colombo;
(d) five Clergy and five laity as representatives from the Diocese of Kurunegala elected for such purpose by the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Kurunegala.
(e) ten persons from among the Clergy and the laity of the Church of Ceylon, nominated as members jointly by the Bishop of Colombo and the Bishop of Kurunegala,
(2) The more senior by consecration of the two Bishops, shall be the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly and the other Bishop shall be it's Vice-Chairman.
(3) The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Assembly and in the absence of the Chairman, the Vice- Chairman shall preside at such meeting.
(4) All questions for decision at any meeting of the Constituent Assembly shall be decided, by the vote of the majority of the clergy elected and nominated to the Assembly and by the vote of the majority of the laity elected and nominated to the Assembly and with the consent of the Bishop of Colombo and the Bishop of Kurunegala.

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