Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Ceylon Railway Guards' and Locomotive Enginemen's Provident Association (Incorporation) Act (No. 15 of 1969) - Sect 12

Corporation may not sell, exchange or mortgage lands without leave of court

(1) It shall not be lawful for the Corporation to sell, exchange, or mortgage any land vested in it without the leave of the District Court of Colombo, which leave shall be applied for by the Committee of Management by petition addressed to the said court setting out the facts and reasons for which the Corporation desires to sell, exchange, or mortgage such land, and praying for an order of the said court.
(2) A copy of every such petition shall be served on the General Manager of Railways at least fourteen days before the hearing of the petition.
(3) The General Manager of Railways may oppose the prayer of the petition, and if, after hearing him upon such opposition, the said court is of opinion that it is to the general advantage of the Corporation to grant the prayer of the petition, an order may be made to that effect.

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