(1) The Registrar shall refer to the Chief Valuer the determination of the compensation payable in respect of any property, and such Valuer shall submit his determination to the Registrar. |
(2) The Chief Valuer shall, before making his determination of the compensation payable in respect of any property, give the person from whom that property was requisitioned for a principal society, as well as the Registrar, an opportunity to adduce before such Valuer, by himself or by a representative authorized by him in that behalf, evidence with regard to the value of that property. |
(3). The Registrar shall communicate in writing to the person from whom any property was requisitioned for the principal society the determination of the compensation payable in respect of that property made by the Chief Valuer. |
(4) The Registrar shall cause a notice to be published in the Gazette and in at least one Sinhala, one Tamil and one English newspaper, specifying the compensation that it proposes to pay in respect of any property, being the compensation determined by the Chief Valuer, and inviting any person who had any interest in that property, immediately before that property was requisitioned for the principal society and who claims any compensation in respect of that property, to communicate to such Registrar his claim in writing, stating the nature and the basis thereof, before such date as shall be specified in the notice. |