Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Development Councils (Repeal) Act (No. 14 of 1989) - Sect 3

Transitional Provision

(a) Every officer or servant of a Development Council constituted under the repealed Act holding office on the day preceding the date of commencement of this act who is a member of the local government service established by the local government service law No.16 of 1974 shall if he consents to continuing to be a member of such service continue to be a member of such service.
(b) Every officer or servant of a Development Council constituted under the repealed Act, not being an officer or servant reffered to in paragraph (a) notwithstanding anything in the local government service law No. 16 of 1974 shall if he consents in writing to becoming a member of the local government service be deemed with effect from the date of such consent to be a member of such service.
(c) An officer or servant of a Development Council Constituted under the referred to in paragraph (b) who does not consent to becoming a member of the Local government service shall be entitled to the payment of such compensation and gratuity as may be determined by the minister in consultation with the minister in charge of the subject of finance.
(2) All moneys lying on the date of commencement of this act to the credit of a development council under section 19 of the repealed Act shall stand transferred with effect from that date to the fund of such local authority as the commissioner may appoint by notice published in the Gazette.
(3) Subject to the provision of section 16 of the Pradeshiya Sabhas Act, no 15 of 1987, all-
(a) Property, movable and immovable (other than the property reffered to in subsection (2)); and
(b) assests and liabilities, of a development council constituted under the repealed act shall stand transferred with effect from the Date of commencement of this Act, to such local authority as the commissioner may appoint by notice published in the gazette.
(4) Subject to the provisions of section 16 of the Pradeshiya Sabhas Act, No. 15 of 1987, all debts owing, on the day preceding the date of commencement of this Act, to a Development Council constituted under the repealed Act, shall be deemed, with effect from the date of commencement of this Act to be debts owing to such local authority as the Commissioner may appoint by Notice published in the Gazette and may be recovered by such local authority accordingly.
(5) Subject to the provisions of section 16 of the Pradeshiya Sabhas Act, No. 15 of 1987, all contracts entered into by a Development Council constituted under the repealed Act and subsisting on the day preceding the date of commencement of this Act, shall be deemed, with effect from "he date of commencement of this Act, to be contracts entered into by such local authority as the Commissioner may appoint by Notice published in the Gazette, and may be enforced accordingly.
(a) All proceedings instituted in any court or tribunal by or against a Development Council constituted under the repealed Act and pending on the day preceding the date of commencement of this Act, shall be deemed, with effect from the date of commencement of this Act, to be proceedings instituted by or against such local authority as the Commissioner may appoint by Notice published in 'he Gazette, aid may be continued accordingly.
(b) All decrees or orders entered by any court or tribunal, in favor of, or against, a Development Council -instituted under the repealed Act shall be deemed, with effect from the date of commencement of this Act, to be decrees or orders entered in favour of, or against, such local authority as the Commissioner may appoint by Notice published in the Gazette and may be enforced accordingly.
(7) In exercising his powers under this section the Commissioner shall act in accordance with such general or special directions as may be issued by the Minister in consultation with the' local authorities concerned and having regard to the promotion of Local Government services.
(8) In this section"

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