Sri Lanka Consolidated Acts

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Development Councils Elections Act (No. 20 of 1981) - Sect 15

Disposal of deposits

(1) Every deposit made with a returning officer under section 14 shall forthwith be credited by such officer to a deposit account and shall be disposed of according to the provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4).
(2) Where a nomination paper of an independent group is rejected under the provisions of section 17, the deposit shall be returned to the person who made the deposit.
(3) Where the number of votes polled by an independent group is less than one-eighth of the total number of votes polled at the election in such Development Council area, the deposit made in respect of the candidates of such group shall be declared forfeit and shall be transferred by the returning officer from the deposit account to the Consolidated Fund, and in every other case the deposit shall be returned to the person who made the deposit, as soon as may be after the result of the election is declared.
(4) For the purposes of this section, the number of votes polled at an election in any Development Council area shall be deemed to be the number of votes actually counted and shall not include any votes rejected as void.

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